Page 80 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 80

Reported speech

                           I can report direct speech with the correct time and place references.

           Reported speech

                                                                               How was the e*a wtf              i thought It was easy.

           Tense changes
                                                                              We can use that before the second verb, but it isn't
           When we talk about what people said in the past, we use            necessary.
           a reporting verb like say or tell. We usually change the           Tanya: 'I'm doing my homework.'
           tense of the reporting verb so that when the verb is in            Tanya said (that) she was doing her homework.
           the present simple tense, for example, we report it using
                                                                              If what someone says is still true when we report it,
           the past simple tense. We use quotation marks (') in
                                                                              then we can choose to change the tense or not.
           direct speech but not in reported speech.
                                                                              7 like vegetables.'-* You said you like vegetables.
           Sue: 'I play tennis every day' (direct speech)
           Sue said that she played tennis every day (reported speech)
           Anna: 'I've been to Scotland'. (present perfect)                   Pronoun changes
           Anna said that she had been to Scotland, (past perfect)            We usually need to change pronouns (I, we) and the
                                                                              verb form when we report speech.
             Direct speech tense              Reported speech tense
                                                                              Molly says, 7 enjoy maths.' -> Molly says she enjoys maths.
             Present simple                   Past simple                     Jason thinks: 'Amy doesn't like me: -» Jason thought
                                                                              Amy didn't like him.
             Present continuous               Past continuous
             Past simple/Present perfect      Past perfect                    Say or tell?

             will                             would                           We use tell (someone something) if we want to
                                                                              include the person or indirect object.
             am/is/are going to               was/were going to
                                                                              Anna told Sue she was going to the dentist.

             can                              could                           She tells me she's happy.
                                                                              She says she's happy.

           *1   Look at the pictures and circle the correct verb form.
                                                                                     we doÿ't watch TV.
                   I m, rich.

                ÿ She said she was /1 was rich.                                   2 They said we didn't/they didn't watch TV.

                   it's Qoíia¿) to rah*,.                                            I like spiders.

                1 He said it was / he was going to rain.                          3 He said he liked /1 liked spiders.

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