Page 82 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 82

Time and place references

           In reported speech, we also have to change words like here, now and this.

             here - there                                          today - that day

             now - at the time                                     tonight - that night
             this-that                                             tomorrow - the next/following day

             these - those                                         next week - the next/following week

             yesterday - the previous day, the day before          last week - the week before, the previous week

            We live here!-* They said they lived there.
           7 love this film.' -» He said he loved that film.

                Complete the sentences with the words from                   ;í 8 Complete the reported speech.        O
                the box.
                                                                                  ÿ Cathy: Tm sorry.'
                   at the time at the time the next day that                         She said she was, sorry.
                   that day that night there those                                   Mike:The homework is difficult.'
                                                                                     He said_difficult.
                ÿ Tm having dinner now.'
                   He said he was having dinner at the tim.e.                        Sue and Kim:"We like the photos.'
                                                                                     They said_the photos.
                1 This hotel is very nice.'
                                                                                     Ed:'I know Mr Thomas.'
                   He thought_hotel was very nice.
                                                                                     Ed told me_                   MrThomas.
                2 Today is my birthday.'
                                                                                     Vicky: Tm not surprised.'
                   He said_was his birthday.
                                                                                     She said_surprised.
                3 There isn't anyone here.'
                                                                                     Bill and Ryan: 'We don't want anything to eat.'
                   He said that there wasn't anyone_
                                                                                     They said_anything to eat.
                4 iI can't go out tonight.'
                                                                                  6 Tom:'I come from Ireland.'
                   He said he couldn't go out_
                                                                                     He told them_                   from Ireland.
                5 Tm seeing Jack tomorrow.'
                                                                                     Jenny:'I can repair it.'
                   He said he was seeing Jack_
                                                                                     Jenny said_                  repair it.
                6 'The classroom is empty now.'
                                                                                  8 Jane and Ivy:'Linda hates us.'
                   He said that the classroom was empty_
                                                                                     Jane and Ivy thought_                    them.
                7 These grapes taste delicious.'
                                                                                  9 Jill and Kim:'We're very lucky.'
                   He said that_grapes tasted delicious.
                                                                                     They knew that_very lucky.
                                                                                 10 Leo:'I don't have a mobile phone.'
                                                                                     He told me_a mobile phone.

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