Page 6 - Our Discovery Island 2 Student Book full_Neat 1
P. 6

1J+-i:e*Llr:l*13'  TBme: one o'clock, two o'clock, lhree  o'clock, four o'clock, five o'clock, six o'clock, seven o'clock, eight o'clock,
                        nine o'clock, ten o'clock, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock
                        #*ily r*::tines: woke up, get up, eot breokfost,  go to school, eot lunch, eot dinner,  go lo bed

           Stll**tue"**:  Whot  time  is it? It's one o'clock
                        I woke up of six o'clock.

           .li]i.ti:,-iIi=":   -,t  Y*ys: bike, cor, troin, boot, boll, doll, teddy  beor,  kite  ,  V*$i:**: Friendship is importont.
                        l*umhers: sixteen, sevenleen,  eighteen,  nineteen, twenly   :
                                                                                     ,  *.lr*s**s:s.; :=-::-= l* *":
           -:iiyq.,:*i::s'*;*c  Whot's  this/thot? It's o bike. It's yellow.         r  nfisih: Plus,  minus, ond equols
                        Whot ore these/those?  They're  bikes.  They're  yellow.     i
                                                                                     r  F*t*yt$*:s:  e,r. sh
                        How mony bikes ore there? There  ore sixleen bikes.
                                                                                     :   chop, chin, rich, much, ship,
                                                                                     :   shell, fish, dish

           \**sLt*i*::r1u.  F*r:tEly mernbers;  uncle, ount, son, doughler,  grondson,  gronddoughter,  \i-*lt*+*: Spend iime  wlth
                        cousrn                                                           your relotives.
                        fd*ighb*rh**# p!****:  house, gorden,  store,  bokery, post offlce,
                        restouront,  bonk, oportment                                   $": r*ss-=.:  -=i=::  F* r:
                                                                                         So*isl seieR*s:  Types  of
           *f l*+*-ir;r*:$  Who's  he/she? He's/She's my uncle/ount.                     fomily members
                        Where's  my/your uncle? Your/My uncle is in the house.
                                                                                       l=T*  :,-=.*  i*:* : th, tir
                                                                                         this, thot, then, with, thln, thick,
                                                                                         moth, poth

           lsq.:;=r*t*:i":inrH  &*ti*ns: touch,  wove, clop, point, shoke, stomp,  move, nod  tr"{ciLir=s: Exerclse regulorly.
                        FhysBemi cbiliti**: jump,  swim, donce, climb, swing, stond  on your heod, do
                        cortwheels,  do the splits                                     *i r-*:*r.*-* * rri *: * i *:r  y  :
                                                                                         Lt*mfth:  Exercise octions
                        Touch your toes.
                                                                                       l3i't  g,"t-t  i{:i.a: r: g,  n k
                        Con you jump?  Yes, I con. / No, I con'i"
                                                                                         sing, ring, ping, long, ink, sink,
                        Con he/she jump? Yes, he/she con. / No, he/she con'l
                                                                                         pink,  thonk

           \Jr+**+i.:il.:E*ry  Fmnts ot ?h* b*dy: foce, eyes, eors, nose, mouth,  hoir  \t'*l!it**+: Respect differences.
                        H*lr*?ylesr  long, short, curly, stroight,  dork, blond, neot,  messy
                                                                                       # r'{.tss-**s ri'r* i: i :-: :'.
           E;ur**t,-$*s  I hove o smqll nose. He/She hos o smoll nose.                   to4*th:  Shopes
                        Do you hove o smoll nose? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
                                                                                       Fi"i**i**r ui, ee
                        Does he/she hove o smoll nose? Yes, he/she does. i No, he/she doesn't
                                                                                         toil, roin, moil,  woit, see, feet,
                        He/She hos long hoir.
                                                                                         week, sheep
                        His/Her  hoir is long.

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