Page 7 - Our Discovery Island 2 Student Book full_Neat 1
P. 7

\d***h+,sl*r1s Fsrm Enimaisl cow, gooi, chicken, turkey, duck, sheep, horse  i.r#;iJqts: Respect onimols.
                        Wi$d aninrcls:  bot, crow, skunk, owl, fox
                                                                                       l],"* +s- * * r:"i * *  I *s r:
                                                                                        $cie*ce: Doytime ond
           Stru*:turr**  Whot's  thls/thot? It hos big eyes. It's block ond while.  It's o cow.
                                                                                        nighttime  onimols
                        Is ii smoll? Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.
                        Is it o boi?  Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.                      F**:r:i*s.::  3gh, **
                        Are the bots big? Yes, they  ore. / No, they oren't.            high,  sigh, light, right, boot,
                                                                                        coot, soop, goot

           H****ul*rp.  F*od  itesvls: pizzo, chicken, fish, rice, eggs,  burgers, hoi dogs, opples,  1".:*l**s:   Eot  good food. Choose
                        bononos,  pineopple,  coconut,  pumpkin,  corn, toost, cereol,  gropes,  beons,  good snocks.
                        roisins, nuts
           "*9r**t*r*s  Whoi's your fovorite  food?  My fovorite  food is pizzo.        $**ic{ s*ien**: Different
                        I like chicken. I don't like fish.                              culiures,  different foods
                        He/She likes pineopple  for breokfost.
                                                                                       i*{=t=*i*n:  **. ao
                        He/She doesn't  like pineopple  for breokfost.
                                                                                        zoo, too, food, moon, book,
                        Does he/she like pineopple  for breokfost?                      foot, look, cook
                        Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn't.

           \s'#{:#hil***ily* Cl*thes: o skirt, o T-shirt, o dress, ponts, socks, shoes, o shirt, o coot,   I  Ug:l***:  Be polite.
                     '   n crnrontor n hnt  n nnn  hnntc  nninmnc  ionnc  cnoalrarc
                                                                                     r *r*ss=c-:iJi'r'i*rii{sr:
                                                                                         S**isl e*ienee:  Occupotions
           *fra:*t*er*S  I'm weoring  o white  skirt.
                                                                                         ond uniforms
                        I'm not weoring white ponts.
                        Whot do you wont?  I wont  o shirt,  pleose.
                                                                                       F-}*q:s-ti*s:  cr, ir, cr, rer
                        Do you wqnt o blue shirt? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.              cor, shork, sir, girl, for, corn,
                                                                                         fur, surf

           tf*:*e***E*ry  Wentl"cen cloudy, snowy, roiny, windy, sunny, cool           1,"*l*+n-:;  Shore with friends ond
                        Suys *f the utveek:  Sundoy, Mondoy, Tuesdoy, Wednesdoy,  Thursdoy,  fomily.
                        Fridoy,  Soturdoy
                                                                                       i--.'  i' i.;: 5 *+  1; ;=; Y I  c * :.;  i * I :
                                                                                         Scieru**l Temperoture
           "Etr**t*rr**  Do you  like sunny doys? Yes, I do. / No, I don't
                        I like cloudy  doys.                                           F*r:*i*s: Gw? *y
                        I don't like cloudy  doys.                                       owl, now, cow, down, boy, toy,
                        Whot doy is todoy?  It's Sundoy.                                joy,  cowboy
                        Whot's  the weother like? It's sunny.

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