Page 28 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 28

(8) Divisible – obligation that is capable of partial performance

                              a. execution of certain no of days work
                              b. expressed by metrical units

                              c. nature of obligation – susceptible of partial fulfillment

                   (9) Indivisible – one not capable of partial performance

                             a. to give definite things

                             b. not susceptible of partial performance

                             c. provided by law

                             d. intention of parties

                   (10) With Penal Clause - an accessory undertaking to assume greater liability in

                             case of breach

                   *Characteristics of Penal Clause:

                   1. Subsidiary - As a general rule, only penalty can be demanded, principal cannot be demanded,

                                               except: Penalty is joint or cumulative

                   2. Exclusive - takes place of damage, damage can only be demanded in the following cases:

                             a. Stipulation – granting rights

                             b. refusal to pay penalty

                             c. with dolo ( not of creditor )

                   *Causes for Reduction of Penalty:

                             a. partial/irregular performance

                             b. penalty provided is iniquitous/unconscionable
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