Page 25 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 25

Distinctions Between Alternative & Facultative Obligations

                                             ALTERNATIVE                                                                      FACULTATIVE

                    a) Various things are due but the giving
                                                                                                a) Only one thing is due but a substitute may be

                       principally of one is sufficient                                              given to render payment/fulfillment easy
                    b) If one of prestation is illegal, others may be  b) If principal obligations is void and there is no

                     valid but obligation remains                                                   necessity of giving the substitute; nullity of P

                                                                                                    carries with it nullity of S

                    c) If it is impossible to give all except one, the  c) If it is impossible to give the principal, the
                        last one must still be given                                                substitute does not have to be given; if it is

                                                                                                    impossible to give the substitute, the principal

                                                                                                    must still be given

                     d) Right to choose may be given either to                                  d) The right of choice is given only to the debtor

                       debtor or creditor

                   (6) Joint – presumption when 2 or more creditors or 2 or more debtors concur in

                                            one and the same obligation


                                       a. Demand on one produces delay only with respect to the debt

                                       b. Interruption in payment by one does not benefit or prejudice the other

                                       c. Vices of one debtor to creditor has no effect on the others

                                       d. Insolvency of one debtor does not affect other debtors
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