Page 22 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 22


                   Different Kinds of Obligations :

                          (1) Pure             – demandable at once, no term, no condition

                          (2) Conditional – a future and an uncertain event or a past event unknown to

                                                                 the parties

                          (3) With a period – future & certain, past & uncertain, payable when able

                                  *When stipulation says “payable when able “ – it is with a period-remedy:

                                            a) agreement among parties

                                            b) court shall fix period of payment when parties unable to agree

                                 Kinds of Obligation (With a period):

                                 a. Resolutory ( in diem ) – takes effect at once but terminate upon arrival

                                       of  the  day  certain;  Day  certain  –  that  which  must  necessarily  come,

                                       although it may not be known when.

                                 b.  Suspensive  (  ex  die  )  –  takes  effect  on  the  day  stipulated;  the

                                       happening of a condition gives rise to an obligation
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