Page 18 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 18


             B. Causes “Not Attributable” to Debtor

                   5. Accion pauliana

                            Requisites of Accion pauliana:

                                   a. There is a credit in favor of plaintiff

                                   b. The debtor has performed an act subsequent to the contract, giving

                                       advantage to other persons

                                   c. The creditor is prejudiced by the debtor's act which are in favor of 3rd

                                       parties and rescission will benefit the creditor

                                   d. The creditor has no other legal remedy

                                   e. The debtor's acts are fraudulent

                   Different Kinds of Obligations  as to Categories:

                          a. Demandability - pure, conditional or with a term

                          b. Plurality of object - simple, alternative or facultative

                          c. Plurality of subject - simple, joint or solidary

                          d. Performance - divisible or indivisible

                          e. Sanctions for breach - with or without a penal clause
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