Page 14 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 14


                   A. Causes Attributable to Debtor:

                         4. Negligence /Culpa - absence of due diligence

                               Elements of Culpa:

                                      a) Omission of diligence required

                                      *Diligence required per nature of obligation, circumstances of persons,

                                            time and place

                         Fraud Distinguished from Negligence


                     There is deliberate intention to cause damage.   There is no deliberate intention to cause damage.

                     Liability cannot be mitigated.
                                                                                               Liability may be mitigated.
                     Waiver for future fraud is void.
                                                                                               Waiver for future negligence may be allowed in certain cases:

                                                                                              a) gross negligence – can never be excused in advance; against

                                                                                                                                public policy
                                                                                               b) simple negligence  – may be excused in certain cases
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