Page 11 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 11

Remedies of Performance to

                           Real and Personal Obligations:

                                                                   Obligation to give                                             Obligations to do

                              Remedies                              (Real Obligation)                                        (Personal Obligation)

                                                               Specific                     Generic                            To do                       Not to do

                                  SPECIFIC                                                                                                             Undo the things
                            PERFORMANCE                               X                             X                              X                     already done

                                                                                                                          Can only be

                              EQUIVALENT                                                                                 demanded if

                            PERFORMANCE                               X                             X                 obligation is not                             X

                                                                                                                        very personal

                                                                                                                                                       Undo the things

                            PERFORMANCE                                                             X                              X                   already done at
                                                                                                                                                      debtor's expense

                              RESCISSION /
                            CANCELLATION                              X                             X                              X
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