Page 9 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 9


                    1. Exercise diligence / Preserve the thing:

                     standard  of  care:  that  of  a  good  father  of  a  family  –  unless  the  law  or

                           stipulation of contract requires another standard of care.

                    2. Delivery of Fruits (Industrial, Civil/Legal, etc.)

                     When does the right begin to exist from the time to deliver arises?

                    a) when there is no term/condition – from the perfection of the contract

                    b) when there is a term/condition – from the moment the term or condition arises

                    3. Delivery Of Accessories & Accessions:

                      Obligation  to  deliver  determinate  thing,  even  if  the  stipulation  does  not

                          mention delivery of accessories & accessions

                     Accessories  -  those  joined  to  or  included  with  the  principal  for  the  latter’s

                          better use, perfection or enjoyment

                     Accessions – additions to or improvements upon a thing
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