Page 35 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 35

*Requisites for Voluntary Cession/Assignment:

                             a) More than 1 debt

                             b) More than 1 creditor

                             c) Complete or partial insolvency of debtor

                             d) Abandonment of all debtor’s property not exempt from execution

                             e) Acceptance or consent on the part of the creditors


                             a) Creditors do not become the owner; they are merely assignees with authority to sell

                             b) Debtor is released up to the amount of the net proceeds of the sale, unless there is a

                                 stipulation to the contrary

                             c)  Creditors  will  collect  credits  in  the  order  of  preference  agreed  upon,  or  in  default  of

                                 agreement, in the order ordinarily established by law

                             d. Consignation

                     *Tender  -the  act  of  offering  the  creditor  what  is  due  him  together  with  a  demand  that  the

                                        creditor accept the same (When creditor refuses w/o just cause to accept payment,

                                        he  becomes in  mora  accepiendi  and debtor  is  released  from  responsibility  if  he

                                        consigns the thing or the sum due)

                     *Consignation – the act of depositing the thing due with the court or judicial authorities

                                                     whenever the creditor cannot accept or refuses to accept payment; generally

                                                     requires prior tender of payments
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