Page 39 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 39


                                a.  There must be an agreement

                                b.    There must be a subject matter (object of the remission, otherwise there would be

                                      nothing to condone)

                                c.   Cause of consideration must be liberality (Essentially gratuitous, an act of liberality )

                                d.  Parties  must  be  capacitated  and  must  consent;  requires  acceptance  by  obligor;

                                      implied in mortis causa & expressed inter vivos

                                e. Formalities of a donation are required in the case of an express remission

                                f.  Revocable  –  subject  to  rule  on  in  officious  donation  (  excessive,  legitimacy  is

                                   impaired) and ingratitude and condition not followed

                                g. Obligation remitted must have been demandable at the time of remission

                                h. Waivers or remission are not to be presumed generally or implied

                                               Forms:                          Extent:                                         Kinds:

                                 a. Express – formalities                       a. total          a. Principal – accessory also condoned

                                 of donation

                                  b. Implied – conduct is                      b. partial   b. Accessory – principal still outstanding


                                                                                                  c. Accessory obligation of pledge –

                                                                                                  condoned; presumption only, rebuttable
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