Page 44 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 44


                 1. Substituting person of debtor ( passive )

                         EXPROMISION;  initiative  is  from  3rd  person  or  new  debtor;  new  debtor  &  creditor  to

                               consent; old debtor released from obligation; subject to fullreimbursement & subrogation

                               if  made  w/  consent  of  old  debtor;  if  w/o  consent  or  against  will  ,  only  beneficial

                               reimbursement; if new debtor is insolvent, not responsible since w/o his consent

                         DELEGACION; initiative of old debtor; all parties to consent; full reimbursement; if insolvent

                               new  debtor  –  not  responsible  old  debtor  because  obligation  extinguished  by  valid

                               novation unless: insolvency already existing & of public knowledge or know to him at time

                               of delegacion

                               a. Delegante – old debtor

                               b. Delegatario - creditor

                               c. Delegado – new debtor

                 2. Subrogating 3rd person to rights of creditor ( active )

                         a. conventional- agreement & consent of all parties; clearly established

                         b.  legal-  takes  place  by  operation  of  law;  no  need  for  consent;  not  presumed  except  as

                                          provided for in law: presumed when-

                               1. creditor pays another preferred creditor even w/o debtor’s knowledge

                               2. 3rd person not interested in obligation pays w/ approval of debtor

                               3. person interested in fulfillment of obligation pays debt even w/o knowledge of debtor
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