Page 48 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 48

*Requirements of Consent:

                                 a. Plurality of subject

                                 b. Capacity

                                 c. Intelligence and free will

                                 d. Manifestation of intent of parties

                                 e. Cognition by the other party

                                 f. Conformity of manifestation and cognition

                 Note: We follow the theory of cognition and not the theory of manifestation. Under our civil

                 law,  the  offer  and  acceptance  agree  only  when  the offeror comes  to know,  and  not  when  the

                 offeree merely manifests his acceptance

                 *ELEMENTS OF VALID OFFER                       ELEMENTS OF VALID ACCEPTANCE

                                 a. definite                                                     a. unequivocal

                                 b. complete                                                  b. unconditional

                                 c. Intentional


                       1. death, civil interdiction, insanity or insolvency of either party before acceptance is conveyed

                       2. express or implied revocation of the offer by the offeree

                       3. qualified or conditional acceptance of the offer

                       4. subject matter becomes illegal or impossible before acceptance is communicated
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