Page 53 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 53

*CAUSA – reason why parties enter into contract

                                       ABSENCE OF CAUSA                                  VOID - produce no legal effect

                                     ILLEGALITY OF CAUSA                                 VOID - produce no legal effect

                                        FALSITY OF CAUSA                                 VOIDABLE – party must prove that cause is untruthful;

                                                                                         presumption of validity but rebuttable

                           CAUSA NOT STATED IN CONTRACT PRESUMED TO EXIST - burden of proof is on the person

                                    INADEQUACY OF CAUSA                                  DOES NOT INVALIDATE CONTRACT PER SE

                                                                                         1. fraud
                                                                                         2. mistake

                                                                                         3. undue influence

                                                                                         4. cases specified by law

                                                                                         - contracts entered when ward suffers lesion of more than

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