Page 49 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 49


                           1. stated fixed period in the offer

                           2. no stated fixed period:

                                   a) offer is made to a person present  – acceptance must be made immediately.

                                   b) offer is made to a person absent – acceptance may be made within such time that,

                                                                                                      under normal circumstances, an answer can be

                                                                                                      received from him.


                 An  Option  may  be  withdrawn  anytime  before  acceptance  is  communicated  but  not  when

                 supported by a consideration other than purchase price (e.g. option money).

                       Note: Ang Yu v. CA (1994) states that a unilateral promise to buy or sell, if not

                       supported by a distinct consideration, may be withdrawn but may not be done

                       whimsically or arbitrarily; the right of the grantee here is damages and not

                       specific performance; Equatorial v. Mayfair(264 SCRA 483) held that an option

                       clause in order to be valid and enforceable must indicate the definite price at

                       which the person granting the option is willing to sell, contract can be

                       enforced and not only damages; Paranaque Kings V CA (1997) states that right

                       of first refusal may be enforced by specific performance.
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