Page 47 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 47


                       *As to parties obliged:

                              1. Unilateral – only one of the parties has an obligation

                              2. Bilateral – both parties are required to render reciprocal prestation

                       *As to name or designation:

                              1. Nominate

                              2. Innominate

                                      a) Do ut des – I give that you may give

                                      b) Do ut facias – I give that you may do

                                      c) Facio ut des – I do that you may give

                                      d) Facio ut facias – I do that you may do

                 *STAGES IN A CONTRACT:

                              1. Preparation - negotiation

                              2. Perfection/Birth

                              3. Consummation – performance


                              1. Consent – meeting of minds between parties on subject matter & cause of contract;

                                                        concurrence of offer & acceptance
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