Page 57 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 57


                  1. RESCISSIBLE CONTRACTS- defective because it creates economic damage


                        a. Contract must be rescissible

                                (1) Under art 1381:

                                     i. Contracts entered into by persons exercising fiduciary capacity

                                              (a) Entered into by guardian whenever ward suffers damage by more than 1/4 of

                                                     value of object

                                              (b)  Agreed  upon  in  representation  of  absentees,  if  absentee  suffers  lesion  by

                                                     more than ¼ of value of property

                                              (c) Contracts where rescission is based on fraud committed on creditor

                                                   (accion pauliana)

                                              (d)  Objects  of  litigation;  contract  entered  into  by  defendant  w/o  knowledge  or

                                                     approval of litigants or judicial authority

                                              (e) Payment by an insolvent – on debts w/c are not yet due; prejudices claim of


                                              (f) Provided for by law - art 1526, 1534, 1538, 1539, 1542, 1556, 1560, 1567


                                (2) Under art 1382 - Payments made in a state of insolvency

                        b. Plaintiff has no other means to obtain reparation

                        b. Plaintiff must be able to return whatever he may be obliged to return due to rescission

                        c. The things must not have been passed to 3rd parties who did not act in bad faith

                        d. It must be made within the prescribed period
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