Page 61 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 61


                           2. Acceptance of benefits under the contract. If there is performance in either part and

                           there is acceptance of performance, it takes it out of unenforceable contracts; also estoppel

                           sets in by accepting performance, the defect is waived

                 4. VOID OR INEXISTENT CONTRACTS – of no legal effect


                                     a.  It produces no effect whatsoever either against or in favor of anyone

                                     b. There is no action for annulment necessary as such is ipso jure.

                                         A judicial  declaration to that effect is merely a declaration

                                     c.  It cannot be confirmed, ratified or cured

                                     d.  If performed, restoration is in order, except if pari delicto will apply

                                     e.  The right to set up the defense of nullity cannot be waived

                                     f.   Imprescriptible

                                     g. Anyone may invoke the nullity of the contract whenever its juridical

                                         effects are  asserted against him

                 KINDS OF VOID CONTRACT:

                         1. Those lacking in essential elements: no consent, no object, no cause (inexistent ones)

                              essential  formalities  are  not  complied  with                                    (  e.g.  donation  propter  nuptias  –  should

                              conform to formalities of a donation to be valid )

                                     (a) Those w/c are absolutely simulated or fictitious – no cause

                                     (b) Those which cause or object did not exist at the time of the transaction

                                           – no cause/object
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