Page 63 - Obligations & Contracts Module 1-2
P. 63

PARI  DELICTO  DOCTRINE  -both  parties  are  guilty,  no  action  against  each  other;  those

               who come in equity must come with clean hands; applies only to illegal contracts & not to

               inexistent contracts; does not apply when a superior public policy intervenes.


               1. If purpose has not yet been accomplished & If damage has not been caused to any 3rd person


                       a)  contract is for an illegal purpose

                       b)  contract  must  be  repudiated  by  any  of  the  parties  before  purpose  is  accomplished  or

                            damage is caused to 3rd parties

                       c) court believes that public interest will be served by allowing recovery (discretionary upon

                            the  court  )  –  based  on  remorse;  illegality  is  accomplished  when  parties  entered  into

                            contract; before it takes effect – party w/c is remorseful prevents it

               2. Where laws are issued to protect certain sectors: consumer protection, labor, usury law

                       a) Consumer protection – if price of commodity is determined by statute, any person paying

                            an amount in excess of the maximum price allowed may recover such excess

                       b) Labor – if law sets the minimum wage for laborers, any laborer who agreed to receive less

                            may still be entitled to recover the deficiency; if law set max working hours & laborer who

                            undertakes to work longer may demand additional compensation

                       c) Interest paid in excess of the interest allowed by the usury law may be recovered by

                            debtor with interest from date of payment
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