Page 228 - UK Regulation Part 21 Initial Airworthiness Annex I (consolidated) March 2022
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             21.B.220(c) GM3         Procedures for investigation – POA applications received from organisations with facilities/partners/
                                     suppliers/sub-contractors located in a third country
                                      The obligations of the applicant are totally independent from the surveillance exercised by the CAA. It
                                      is not acceptable that the applicant relies on surveillance activities of the CAA to simplify its tasks.
                                      Facilities located in a third country
                                      When any part of the production facilities of an applicant for POA is located outside the United
                                      Kingdom, then the location will be treated in all aspects as part of the applicant’s POA organisation.
                                      Therefore the investigating CAA will:
                                           a)  include the facilities outside the United Kingdom fully in their investigation and surveillance
                                              activities for the applicant for, or holder of, the POA
                                           b)  include the facilities outside the United Kingdom in the terms of approval of the CAA Form
                                              55 (see Annex I Part 21 Appendix X) when issuing the POA.
                                      Partners/suppliers/sub-contractors located in a third country
                                      The CAA should define on the basis of Part 21, its associated CS and GM, a clear procedure on
                                      supplier control. This procedure should include the control of partners/suppliers/sub- contractors of
                                      applicant for, or holder of, a POA that are located outside the United Kingdom.
                                      In respect of the applicant for, or holder, of the POA, the CAA should:
                                               1) investigate, for the initial approval and consequent continued surveillance, the
                                                  production organisation, and its partners/suppliers/sub-contractors at the
                                                  necessary level to ensure the organisation can comply with the requirements of
                                                  Part 21,
                                               2) in accordance with the CAA procedure, assess and accept the documented
                                                  procedure for supplier control as part of the POA holder’s quality system, and
                                                  changes to that procedure prior to implementation,
                                               3) in accordance with CAA procedure, assess the necessary level of surveillance to
                                                  be exercised by the production organisation on partners / suppliers / sub-
                                                  contractors and check the audit plan of the production organisation against this
                                      The level of co-operation between the CAA and the CAA of the third country where a
                                      partner/supplier/sub-contractor of the production organisation is located may influence the authorities’
                                      activities concerning this partner/supplier/sub-contractor. Co-operation with the CAA of the third
                                      country should be based on the capability and goodwill of that authority, and a complete interchange
                                      of necessary information.
                                      The involvement of this CAA of the third country in the surveillance of the
                                      partner/supplier/subcontractor will be based on the following principles:
                                            -  When a recognition agreement under Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 covering
                                              production subjects has been concluded:(
                                                  (a)  The CAA in accordance with GM No 2 to 21.A.139(a) may decide that direct
                                                      surveillance of the POA holder activities at the foreign location may not be
                                                  (b)  In any other case, provisions of the recognition agreement on the subject
                                                      apply (technical assistance, ...).
                                            -  If a recognition agreement has not been concluded, or it does not cover production
                                              subjects, it may be necessary that the CAA and the CAA of a third country enter into a
                                              specific working arrangement addressing the following matters:
                                                  (a)  acceptance by the CAA of the third country of conducting manufacturing
                                                      surveillance of the relevant production activities on behalf of the CAA, under
                                                      the respective quality standards defined by the CAA.
                                                  (b)  tasks to be performed
                                                  (c)  practical methods
                                                  These arrangements are between authorities and do not relieve the applicant of its
                                                    -  In all cases, even though surveillance tasks are delegated to the CAA of the
                                                      third country, the CAA remains the responsible authority and may
                                                      consequently exercise direct surveillance if necessary.
                                                    -  In case that it is not possible to delegate surveillance tasks to the CAA of the
                                                      third country, the CAA will have to establish a direct surveillance program in
                                                      accordance with its procedure concerning supplier control as part of the
                                                      overall surveillance of the POA holder.
             21.B.220(c) GM4         Procedures for investigation – Competent authority surveillance of suppliers of a POA holder located in other
                                           1.  The aviation legislation identifies specific State obligations in relation to complete
                                              State of manufacture, as used in ICAO Annex 8, normally identifies the country where the
                                              final assembly and the final determination of airworthiness is made. However,
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