Page 468 - UK Air Operations Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 468
~ Regulation SPA - ANNEX V - Specific Approval Operations n trik
light level
. Astronomical lights (moon, sta r, northern lights)
. Effects of cloud cover
3 NVIS general Definitions a rKI types of NVIS: 1 hour
c:haracteri!.tics light spectrum
types of NVJS
. Thermal-imaging devices
Image-intensifier devlCes
Image-intensifier operational theory
Types of image intensifier systems:
generation 1
generation 2
generation 3
generation 4
type I / II
d A & B minus blue filter
NVIS equipment
shipping and storage case
carrying case
binocular assembly
lens caps
lens paper
operators manual
Item Subject Area Subject Details
Ti me
power pack (dual battery)
Characteristics of NVIS:
light amplification
light intensification
frequency sensitivity
visual range acuity
unaided periphera l vision
flip-up device
break-away feature
neck cord
ma intenance issues
human factor is.sues
. Description and functions of NVIS components:
helmet visor cove r and extension strap
helmet NVIS mount and anachment points
differ ent mount options for various helmets
lock release button
vertical adjustment knob
low battery ind icator
binocular as.sem bly
monocular tubes
fore and aft adjustment knob
eye span knob
tilt adjustment lever
objective focus rings
eyepiece focus rings
NVIS care & . battery pack
4 Handling procedures 1 hour
cleaning . NVIS operating instructions:
pr~unting inspection
mounting procedu res
focusing procedures
. Post-fl ight procedures;
. Defidendes: type and recognition of faults:
acceptable faults
black spots
eh icken wire
fixed pattern noise (honeycomb effect)
output brightness variation
Item Subject Ar ea Subject Details
bright spots
image d isparity
image distortion
em ission points
unacceptable faults:
edge glow
. fa.shing, flicker ing or interm in ·ent operation
. Clean ing procedures
Ca re of baneries
. Hazardous material considerations;
Pre- & post-flight .
5 Inspect NVIS 1 hour
procedures .
. Carrying case cond ition
. Nitrogen purge due date
Collimation test d ue date
20th November 2021 468 of 856