Page 469 - UK Air Operations Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 469

~         Regulation SPA - ANNEX V - Specific Approval Operations                                            n trik

                                                              •   Screens diagram(s) of any faults
                                                              •   NVIS kit: complete
                                                              •   W IS binocula r assembly cond ition
                                                              •   Battery pack and quick disconnect cond ition
                                                              •   Battertes life expended so far
                                                              •   Mount battery pack onto helmet:
                                                                    verify no LED showing (good battery)
                                                                    fa il  battery  by  opening  cap  and  LED
                                                                    illuminates (both compartments)
                                                              •   Mount NVIS onto helmet
                                                              •   Adjust and focus NVIS
                                                              •   Eye-span to known inter--pupillary distance
                                                              •   Eye piece focus ring to zero
                                                              •   Adjustments:
                                                                    fore and aft
                                                                    eye-span (fine-tuning)
                                                              •   Focus (one eye at a time at 20 ft, then at30ft from
                                                                 an eye c11art)
                                                                    objective focus ring
                                                                    eye piece focus ring
                                                                    verify both images are harmonised
                                                                    read eye-chart 20/40 line from 20 ft
                                                              •   NVIS mission planning
                                                              •   NVIS ligtlt level planniflg
                                                              •   NVIS risk assessment
                                                     NVIS terrain   Night terrain interpretation   1 hour
                                                    interpretation and   •   Light sources:
                                                     environmenta I
                                                                    sola r
                                                                    star1 ight
                                                                    northern lights
                                                                    rn ltural
                                                              •   Meteorological condit ions:
                                                                    indications of restriction to visibility:
                                                                    loss of celestial lights
                                                                    loss of ground lights
                                                                    reduced ambient light level.s
                                                                    reduced visual acuity
                                                                    increase in video
                                                                    increase in halo effect
                                                              •   Cues for visual recogJ1 ition:
                                                                    object size
                                                                    object shape
                                                                    ambient light
                                                                    texru re
                                                              •   Factors affecting terrain interpretation:
                                                                    ambient light
                                                                    flight altitudes
                                                                    terrain type
                                                              •   Sea.sons
                                                              •   Night navigation cues:
                                                                    terrain relief
                                                                    hydrograpt, ical features
                                                                    rn ltu ral features
                                                    NVIS t raining &   Cover the relevant regulations a lld gtJidel ines that penain  1 hour
                                                     eq uipment   to night and NVIS flight to include as a minimum:
                                                     requirements   Crew experience requirements;
                                                                 Crew training reguirements;
                                                                 Airspace requirements;
                                                                 Night/ NVIS MEL;
                                                                 NVIS / night weather limits;
                                                                 NVISeguipment minimum standard requirements.
                                                    NVIS emergency   Cove r relevant emergency procedures:   1 hour
                                                     procedures   lnadvenent IMC procedures
                                                              •   NVIS goggle failure
                                                              •   Helicopter emergencies:
                                                                    with goggles
                                                                    transition from goggles
                                                      NVISflight   Respective fli~t technique.s for each of flight for  1 hour
                                                     techniques   the type and cl ass of helicopter used for NVIS training
                                                10   Ba.sic instrument   Present and confirm understanding of ba.sic instrument   1 hour
                                                     techniques   flight techniques:
                                                              •   Instrument sea n
                                                              •   Role of instruments in NVIS flight
                                                              •   Unu.sual attitude recovery procedures
                                                11   Blind cockpit drills   Perform blind cockpit drills:   1 hour
                                                              •   Switches
                                                              •   f:irn 1it hr-P;ikp,-.;;
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