Page 624 - UK Air Operations Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 624

~         Regulation NCC - ANNEX VI - Non-Commercial Complex Operations                                      n trik

                                                   Table 1 : Definittons of the applications type
                                                   Item No.   Application   Mess.ages   Comments
                                                   I     CM                CM is an ATN se,vice
                                                   2     AFN               AFN is a FANS 1/ A service
                                                   3     CPDLC             All implemented up and downlink messages
                                                                           to be recorded
                                                   4     ADS-C    ADS-C repons   All contract requests and reports recorded
                                                                  Position reports  Only used within FANS 1/A Mainly used in
                                                                           oceanfc and remote areas.
                                                   5     ADS-B    Surveillance   Information that enables  correlation with
                                                                  data     any associated  records  stored  se parat.ety
                                                                           from the aeroplane.
                                                   6     D-FIS             D-FIS is an ATN service. All implemented up
                                                                           a rKI downlink mes.sages to be recorded
                                                   7     1WIP     lWIP messages   Terminal weather information for pilots
                                                   8     D-ATIS   ATIS messages   Refer to EUROCAE ED-89A,dated December
                                                                           2003:  Data   Link  Application  System
                                                                           Document  (DLASD)  for the 'ATIS' data link
                                                   9     OCL      OCL messages   Refer to  EU ROCAE  E D-106A,  dated Ma rch
                                                                           2004:  Data   Link  Application  System
                                                                           Document (DLASD) for 'Oceanic Clearance'
                                                                           (OCL) data link service
                                                   10    DCL      DCL messages   Refer to EUROCAE ED-85A, dated December
                                                                           2005:  Data   Link  Application  System
                                                                           Document   IDLASD)   for   'Depanure
                                                                           a ea rance' data link service
                                                   11    Grapllics   Weather  maps  Grapllics  ex.changed  in the  framework  of
                                                                  &    other  procedures within the operational control,
                                                                  graphics   as specified in Pan-ORD.
                                                                           Information that enables  correlation with
                                                                           a nv  associated  records  stored  separatetv
                                                                           from the aeroplane.
                                                   12    AOC      Aeronautica I   Messages  exchanged  in  the  framework of
                                                                  operational   procedures within the operational control,
                                                                  control   as specified in Part-ORD.
                                                                           Information that enables  correlation with
                                                                           any associated  records  stored  separatety
                                                                           from the aeroplane. Definition in EUROCAE
                                                                           ED-112, dated March 2003.
                                                   13    Surveilla nee   DO'r,lmlinked   As  defined  in  ICAO  Annex  10 Volume  IV
                                                                  aircraft   (Surve illance systems and AC.AS).
                                                   AAC   aerona LJtical ad mini.strative communications
                                                   ADS-8   aut omatic dependent surveillance- broadcast
                                                   ADS-C   automatic dependent surveillance - contract
                                                   AFN   aircraft flight notification
                                                   AOC   aeronautical operationa l control
                                                   ATIS   automatic terminal informa·tion service
                                                   ATSC   air traffic service communication
                                                   CAP   controller access parameters
                                                   CPOLC   controller pilot data link communications
                                                   CM   configuration/context management
                                                   D-ATIS   digital ATIS
                                                   D-METARdata link meteorological airport report
                                                   DCL   departure clearance
                                                   FANS   Future Air Navigation System
                                                   FUPCY   fl ight plan conststency
                                                   OCL   oceanic clearance
                                                   SAP   system access pa rameters
                                                   TWIP   terminal weather informatIDn for pilots
             NCC.IDE.A.170(a) GM1    Data link recording
                                          (a)  If it is certain that the aeroplane cannot use data link communication messages for ATS
                                              communications corresponding to any application designated by NCC.IDE.A.170(1), then
                                              the data link recording requirement does not apply.
                                          (b)  Examples where the aeroplane cannot use data link communication messages for ATS
                                              communications include but are not limited to the cases where:
                                              (1) the aeroplane data link communication capability is disabled permanently and in a
                                                  way that it cannot be enabled again during the flight;
                                              (2) data link communications are not used to support air traffic service (ATS) in the
                                                  area of operation of the aeroplane; and
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