Page 641 - UK Air Operations Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 641

~         Regulation NCC - ANNEX VI - Non-Commercial Complex Operations                                      n trik

                                                   No'   Parameter
                                                   I    Time or relative time count
                                                   2    Pressure altitude
                                                   3    Indicated airspeed
                                                   4    Heading
                                                   5    Norma I acceleration
                                                   6    Pitch attitude
                                                   7    Roll attitude
                                                   8    Manual radio transmission keying CVR/FOR synchronisation reference
                                                   9    Power on each engine:
                                                   9a   free power turbine speed (NF)
                                                   9b   Engine torque
                                                   9c   Engine gas gerierator speed (NG)
                                                   9d   fligh·t crew corn pa rtment power control position
                                                   9e   Other parameters to enable engine power to be determined
                                                   10   Rotor:
                                                   !Oa   Main rotor speed
                                                   !Ob   Rotor brake I f inst a I led)
                                                   11   l'mlal)' ftigtO: cootrols - Pilot i"plJt ar,c\lor cmtrd outpUt position flf appicable):
                                                   lla   Collective pitch
                                                   lib   Longitudinal cyclic pitch
                                                   lie   Lateral cyclic pitch
                                                   lid   Ta il rotor pedal
                                                   lie   Controllable stabilator (if applicable)
                                                   11f   Hydraulic selection
                                                   12   Hydraulics low pressure (each system should be recorded.)
                                                   B    Outside air temperature
                                                   18   Yaw rate or yaw acceleration
                                                    20   longitudinal acceleration (body axis)
                                                    21   Lateral acceleratlOn
                                                    25   Marker beacon passage
                                                    26   W arnings -  a discrete should be recorded for the master warning, gearbox low oil
                                                        pressure and stability augmentation system as fa ilure. Other 'red' warnings should be
                                                        recorded where the warning cond ition cannot be determined from other para meters
                                                        or from the cockpit voice r ecorder.
                                                   27   Each navigation receiver frequency selectton
                                                    37   Engine control modes
                                                      The number in the left hand column reflects the serial number depicted in EUROCAE ED-
                                                   Table 2: FOR parameters - Helicopters for whkh the data source for the pa rameter is either
                                                      used by helicopter systems or is available on the instrument panel for use by the f light
                                                      crew to operate the helicopter
                                                   No'   Parameter
                                                   14   AFCS mode and engagement status
                                                   IS   Stability augmentation system ef'\gagement (each system should be recorded)
                                                   16   Main gear box oil pre.ssure
                                                   17   Gear box oil temperature:
                                                   17a   Main gear box oil temperaru re
                                                   17b   Intermediate gear box o il temperature
                                                   17c   Ta il rotor gear box oil temperature
                                                   19   Ind icated sling load force (if signals readily available)
                                                   22   Radio altitude
                                                   23   Venical deviation - the approach aid in use shou ld be  recorded:
                                                   23a   ILS glide path
                                                   23b   MLS elevation
                                                   23c   GNSS a pp roach path
                                                   24   Horizof'\tal deviatiof'\ - the approach aid in use should be recorded:
                                                   24a   IL.S localiser
                                                   24b   MLS azimuth
                                                   24c   GNSS a pp roach path
                                                   28   DM E 1 & 2 distances
                                                   29   Navigation data:
                                                   29a   Drift angle
                                                   29b   Wind speed
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