Page 118 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 118

Regulation OTAR Part 121 - CAT - Large Aeroplanes

                                                   (i)  a standard instrument approach procedure is prescribed for the aerodrome
                                                       of intended landing; and
                                                   (ii)  a point of no return (PNR) is determined; and
                                                   (iii)  the flight shall not be continued past the PNR unless a current assessment of
                                                       meteorological conditions, traffic, and other operational conditions indicate
                                                       that a safe landing can be made at the estimated time of use.
                                        (b)  Two destination alternate aerodromes shall be specified in the operational and ATS flight plans
                                            when, at the destination aerodrome:
                                             (1)  available meteorological aerodrome reports and forecasts for the destination indicate
                                                 that the meteorological conditions at the estimated time of use will be below the
                                                 applicable minima; or
                                             (2)  meteorological information is not available.
             OTAR.121.270            Maximum distance to an en-route alternate aerodrome for aeroplanes without an EDTO approval
                                        (a)  The operator shall ensure that no aeroplane with two or more turbine engines operates on a route
                                            where diversion time from any point on the route to an adequate en-route alternate aerodrome
                                            exceeds the threshold time established by the Governor in relation to the type of aeroplane,
                                            unless the operation is conducted in accordance with procedures for extended diversion time
                                            operations (EDTO) required by paragraph 121.275. See Appendix 1 to 121.270 for threshold
                                        (b)  Calculations of diversion times in (a) shall assume ISA in still air conditions and use:
                                             (1)  for aeroplanes with two turbine engines, the one engine inoperative cruise speed; and
                                             (2)  for aeroplanes with more than two turbine engines, the all-engine operating cruise
             OTAR.121.270 APP1       EDTO Threshold Times
                                        (1)  For a two turbine engined aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of
                                            more than 19 seats or a maximum take-off mass of 45,360kg or more:
                                             (a)  60 minutes at the one-engine-inoperative (OEI) cruise speed.
                                        (2)  For a two turbine engined aircraft with a maximum take-off mass of less than 45,360kg.
                                             (a)  120 minutes or, subject to approval by the Governor, up to 180 minutes for turbo-jet
                                                 aeroplanes, at the OEI cruise speed.
                                        (3)  For a three or more turbine engined aircraft,
                                             (a)  180 minutes at the All Engine Operating (AEO) cruise speed.

             OTAR.121.275            EDTO limitations
                                      The operator shall ensure that:
                                        (a)  an EDTO flight is not commenced unless:
                                             (1)  EDTO operations are approved by the Governor;
                                             (2)  procedures for EDTO are specified in the operations manual;
                                             (3)  the aeroplane is dispatched in accordance with those procedures specified in the
                                                 operations manual; and
                                             (4)  flight crew are appropriately trained.
                                        (b)  A flight shall not proceed beyond the threshold time specified in the EDTO approval unless the
                                            identified en-route alternate aerodromes have been re-evaluated for availability and the most up-
                                            to-date information indicates that, during the estimated time of use, conditions at those
                                            aerodromes will be at or above the applicable aerodrome operating minima for the operation.
                                        (c)  If any conditions are identified that would preclude a safe approach and landing at that aerodrome
                                            during the estimated time of use, an alternative course of action shall be determined.
             OTAR.121.280            Fuel requirements
                                      Notwithstanding 91.280:
                                        (a)  The operator shall establish a fuel and oil policy for the purpose of flight planning, and en-route re-
                                            planning, to ensure that each aircraft carries sufficient fuel and oil for the planned flight, including
                                            reserve fuel to cover deviations from the planned flight.
                                        (b)  The fuel and oil policy shall ensure that the planning requirements are based upon:
                                             (1)  current aeroplane-specific data derived from a fuel consumption monitoring system, if
                                                 available; or if current aicraft-specific data is not available, data provided by the aircraft
                                                 manufacturer; and
                                             (2)  the operating conditions under which the planned flight is to be conducted, including but
                                                 not limited to:
                                                   (i)  anticipated aeroplane mass; and
                                                   (ii)  Notices to Airmen; and
                                                   (iii)  current meteorological reports or a combination of current reports and
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