Page 121 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 121
Regulation OTAR Part 121 - CAT - Large Aeroplanes
exceeds 10,000 feet.
OTAR.121.315 Cosmic radiation
(a) The operator shall take appropriate measures to:
(1) assess the exposure to cosmic radiation when in flight of all crew members who are
liable to be subject to cosmic radiation in excess of 1 millisievert (mSv) in any period of
12 months;
(2) take into account the assessed exposure when organising work schedules with a view
to reducing the doses of highly exposed crew members;
(3) inform the crew members concerned of the health risks their work involves; and
(4) retain assessments of exposure to cosmic radiation for the periods specified in
Note: The exposure of crew in aircraft that do not generally operate above 26,000 feet is
likely to result in an annual dose less than 1 mSv in any 12 month period.
(b) The operator shall ensure that the working schedules for female crew members, once they have
notified the operator that they are pregnant, keep the equivalent dose to the foetus as low as can
reasonably be achieved and in any case ensure that the dose does not exceed 1 mSv for the
remainder of the pregnancy.
(c) The operator shall ensure that for any flight operated above 49,000 feet:
(1) procedures for operating above 49,000 feet and for the use of monitoring equipment
shall be specified in the operations manual;
(2) a descent to 49,000 feet or lower is initiated as soon as practicable if the limit values of
cosmic radiation dose rate specified in the operations manual are exceeded.
OTAR.121.320 Manipulation of controls
(a) The operator shall ensure that no person is permitted to manipulate the flight controls of an
aircraft on a flight for the purpose of commercial air transport, unless the person is:
(1) flight crew member qualified in accordance with Subpart J and authorised by the
operator; or
(2) an authorised representative of the Governor, qualified in accordance with Subpart J
(i) has the permission of the operator and the pilot-in-command; and
(ii) is performing a required duty.
OTAR.121.325 Flight crew communication
The operator shall ensure that all flight crew members required to be on flight deck duty shall communicate
through boom or throat microphones below the transition altitude.
OTAR.121.330 Locking of flight-crew compartment door
The operator shall:
(a) ensure that on all aeroplanes which are equipped with a flight crew compartment door, the door
is closed and locked from the time all external doors are closed following embarkation until any
such door is opened for disembarkation, except when necessary to permit access and egress by
authorised persons; and
(b) establish procedures whereby cabin crew members are able to notify flight crew discreetly of any
security situation which may arise in the aircraft cabin.
OTAR.121.335 Fuelling operations
(a) Notwithstanding OTAR 91.335, the operator shall ensure that an aeroplane is not refuelled or
defuelled when passengers are embarking, on board or disembarking unless:
(1) the aeroplane is properly attended by qualified personnel ready to initiate and direct an
evacuation by the most practical and expeditious means available; and
(2) two-way communication is maintained by use of the aeroplane inter-communication
system or other suitable means between the ground crew supervising the refuelling or
defuelling and the qualified personnel on board the aeroplane.
(b) Nothing in this paragraph requires the deployment of integral airstairs or the opening of
emergency exits as a prerequisite to refuelling or defuelling.
OTAR.121.340 Aircraft Tracking
(a) An operator shall establish, as part of its operational control system, a means of tracking its
aircraft, through automated reporting, at intervals of at least every 15 minutes, for in-flight
operations planned in oceanic areas under the following conditions;
(1) the aircraft has a MTOM exceeding 45,500kg and a MAPSC of more than 19; and
(2) the relevant ATS unit obtains aircraft position information at greater than 15 minute
OTAR.121.370 Aerial work and specialised operations
Note: When complying with 91.370(b), (c) and (d) the operator should utilise his safety management
Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements 121 of 386