Page 126 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
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Regulation OTAR Part 121 - CAT - Large Aeroplanes

                                                   (v)  pilot qualification and special aerodrome familiarisation;
                                                   (vi)  aeroplane flight manual limitations and procedures; and
                                                   (vii)  missed approach criteria.

             OTAR.121.560            Performance – mass limitation
                                      The operator shall ensure that:
                                        (a)  the mass of the aeroplane at the start of the take-off; or in the event of in-flight replanning, at the
                                            point from which the revised operational flight plan applies, is not greater than the mass at which
                                            the requirements of the applicable Performance Class can be complied with for the planned
                                            flight. Allowance shall be made for expected reductions in mass as the flight proceeds, and for
                                            fuel jettisoning where applicable;
                                        (b)  in no case shall the mass at the start of take off exceed the maximum take off mass specified in
                                            the flight manual for that pressure altitude appropriate to the aerodrome elevation and, if used as
                                            a parameter to determine the maximum take off mass any other local atmospheric condition;
                                        (c)  in no case shall the estimated mass for the expected time of landing at the planned destination
                                            aerodrome and at any destination alternate aerodrome, exceed the maximum landing mass
                                            specified in the flight manual for the pressure altitude appropriate to the aerodrome elevation(s),
                                            and if used as a parameter to determine the maximum landing mass, any other local
                                            atmospheric condition; and
                                        (d)  the mass of the aeroplane at the time of take-off, or at the expected time of landing at the
                                            destination and at any planned alternate does not exceed the maximum mass at which the
                                            applicable noise certification has been granted unless otherwise authorised by the Governor.
             OTAR.121.565            Applicability of performance classes – aeroplanes
                                      Note: The technical descriptions relevant to each performance class are contained in Appendix E to OTAR
                                      Part 91.

                                      The operator shall ensure that:
                                        (a)  multi-engine aeroplanes powered by turbo-propeller engines with a maximum approved
                                            passenger seating configuration of more than 9 and all multi-engine turbojet powered aeroplanes
                                            are operated in accordance with Performance Class A;
                                        (b)  aeroplanes powered by reciprocating engines with a maximum approved passenger seating
                                            configuration of more than 9 or a MTOM exceeding 5,700 kg are operated in accordance with
                                            Performance Class C; and
                                        (c)  where full compliance with these requirements cannot be shown due to specific design
                                            characteristics, the operator shall apply approved performance standards that ensure a level of
                                            safety equivalent to that of the appropriate performance class.

             OTAR.121.600            Applicability
                                      This Subpart prescribes the instruments and equipment required for aircraft operating under this Part.
             OTAR.121.605            General
                                      The operator shall ensure that an aircraft does not commence a flight unless:
                                        (a)  the aircraft is equipped with the type and number of instruments and equipment required by this
                                            Subpart; and
                                        (b)  the instruments and equipment shall be of a type approved by the Governor either generally or in
                                            relation to a class of aircraft or in relation to that aircraft; and
                                        (c)  the instruments and equipment have been installed in accordance with the aircraft
                                            manufacturer’s instructions or other instructions acceptable to the Governor.

             OTAR.121.610            Inoperative instruments and equipment
                                        (a)  An aircraft shall not commence a flight with inoperative instruments or equipment if it is legally
                                            required to carry that instrument or equipment, unless the following conditions are met:
                                             (1)  a minimum equipment list (MEL) has been approved by the Governor for use with that
                                                 aircraft; and
                                             (2)  the aeroplane records available to the pilot include an entry describing the inoperative
                                                 instruments and equipment; and
                                             (3)  the aeroplane is operated in accordance with all applicable conditions and limitations
                                                 contained in the MEL.

             OTAR.121.615            Minimum equipment list (MEL)
                                      The operator shall:
                                        (a)  establish, for each aircraft, a minimum equipment list (MEL) approved by the Governor. This shall
                                            be based upon, but no less restrictive than, the relevant master minimum equipment list (MMEL);
                                        (b)  ensure the MEL is contained in the operations manual; and
                                        (c)  not operate an aircraft other than in accordance with the MEL unless permitted by the Governor.
                                            Any such permission will in no circumstances permit operation outside the constraints of the
             OTAR.121.620            Flight crew compartment door
                                      The operator shall ensure that:
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