Page 130 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 130

Regulation OTAR Part 121 - CAT - Large Aeroplanes

                                        (f)  All required radio navigation equipment shall comply with the FM-immunity requirements of ICAO
                                            Annex 10 Volumes I and III.
                                        (g)  Any radio navigation equipment fitted on the aircraft that does not comply with the FM-Immunity
                                            requirements of ICAO Annex 10 shall be placarded to alert flight crew to the potential for radio
             OTAR.121.680            Landing in instrument meteorological conditions
                                      An aircraft that may require to land in instrument meteorological conditions shall be provided with radio
                                      equipment appropriate to the aids to be used. This equipment shall be capable of receiving signals to
                                      provide guidance to a point from which a visual landing can be made at any aerodrome used and for any
                                      designated alternate aerodrome.
             OTAR.121.685            Category II and III precision approach equipment
                                      An aircraft conducting a Category II, other than Standard Category II, or Category III operation shall be
                                      equipped and approved in accordance with Subpart SPA.
             OTAR.121.690            Crew intercom and public address system
                                        (a)  The operator shall ensure that an aeroplane is equipped with:
                                             (1)  a public address system; and
                                             (2)  a crew member intercom system.
                                        (b)  A public address system required by paragraph (a)(1) shall:
                                             (1)  except for handsets, headsets, microphones, selector switches, and signalling
                                                 devices, be capable of operation independent of the crew member intercom system
                                                 required by paragraph (a)(2); and
                                             (2)  be accessible for immediate use from each of two flight crew member stations in the
                                                 flight crew compartment; and
                                             (3)  for each required floor-level passenger emergency exit that has an adjacent cabin crew
                                                 seat, have a microphone which is readily accessible to the seated cabin crew member;
                                             (4)  be capable of operation within 10 seconds by a cabin crew member at each of those
                                                 stations in the passenger compartment from which its use is accessible; and
                                             (5)  be understandably audible at all times at all passenger seats, lavatories, cabin crew
                                                 seats, and work stations; and
                                             (6)  for the purposes of paragraph (b)(3) one microphone may serve more than one exit,
                                                 provided the proximity of the exits allows unassisted verbal communication between
                                                 seated cabin crew.
                                        (c)  A crew member intercom system required by paragraph (a)(2) shall:
                                             (1)  except for handsets, headsets, microphones, selector switches, and signalling
                                                 devices, be capable of operation independent of the public address system required by
                                                 paragraph (a)(1); and
                                             (2)  provide a means of two-way communication between all members of the flight crew;
                                             (3)  provide a means of two-way communication between the flight crew compartment and
                                                 each passenger compartment; and
                                             (4)  be accessible for immediate use from each of two flight crew member stations in the
                                                 flight crew compartment; and
                                             (5)  be accessible for use from at least one normal cabin crew member station in each
                                                 passenger compartment; and
                                             (6)  be capable of operation within 10 seconds by a cabin crew member at each of those
                                                 stations in each passenger compartment from which its use is accessible; and
                                             (7)  be accessible for use at enough cabin crew stations so that all floor-level emergency
                                                 exits in each passenger compartment are observable from a station so equipped; and
                                             (8)  have an alerting system that:
                                                   (i)  incorporates aural or visual signals for use by any crew member; and
                                                   (ii)  has a means for the recipient of a call to determine whether it is a normal call
                                                       or an emergency call; and
                                                   (iii)  provide a means of two-way communication between ground personnel and
                                                       any two flight crew members in the flight crew compartment when the
                                                       aeroplane is on the ground.

             OTAR.121.695            Emergency lighting
                                      An aeroplane of MTOM exceeding 5,700 kg operating at night shall be equipped with:
                                        (a)  an emergency lighting system in the passenger compartment, to facilitate evacuation; and
                                        (b)  an emergency lighting system to provide illumination outside the aircraft to facilitate evacuation;
                                        (c)  where the aeroplane has a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 19,
                                            an emergency floor path lighting system in the passenger compartment, to facilitate the

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