Page 318 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
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Regulation OTAR Part 65 - Air Traffic Service Personnel Licences, Ratings and Training
                                                 Organisation Approval

                     Reference       Description
             OTAR.65.301             Requirement for approval
                                          (a)  Where a simulator is used for any type of air traffic controller training towards the issue of
                                              a licence, rating, validation or endorsement it shall be approved by the Governor.
                                          (b)  The approval shall specify what type and category of training the simulator can be used
             OTAR.65.303             Application for approval
                                      An applicant for the grant of an air traffic control simulator approval shall apply to the Governor in the
                                      manner required supplying:
                                          (a)  the amount of training that will be conducted on a simulator
                                          (b)  how the simulator and the associated exercises will provide adequate support for the
                                              specified training
             OTAR.65.305             Issue of approval
                                          (a)  An applicant may be granted an air traffic control simulator approval if the Governor is
                                              satisfied that:
                                              (1)  the granting of the approval is not contrary to the interests of aviation safety; and
                                              (2)  the ATC simulator has been inspected, to the satisfaction of the Governor prior to
                                                  issue of an approval.
                                          (b)  The Unit Training Plan (UTP) or Approved Training Organisation (ATO) Exposition, as
                                              appropriate, shall describe:
                                              (1)  the amount of training that will be conducted on a simulator
                                              (2)  how the simulator and the associated exercises will provide adequate support for
                                                  the specified training
             OTAR.65.307             Duration of approval
                                      An ATC simulator approval remains in force until it is suspended, varied or revoked, or for the period
                                      specified by the Governor and will be subject to such conditions as the Governor thinks fit.
                                          Subpart M Aeronautical Station Operator Licences

                     Reference       Description
             OTAR.65.325             Purpose
                                      This Subpart details requirements governing:
                                          (a)  the issue of aeronautical station operator licences; and
                                          (b)  the privileges and limitations of those licences.
             OTAR.65.327             Eligibility requirements
                                          (a)  To be eligible for an aeronautical station operator licence a person shall:
                                              (1)  be at least 18 years of age; and
                                              (2)  have passed written examinations appropriate to the holder of an aeronautical
                                                  station operator, in at least the following subjects:
                                                   a) General knowledge - air traffic services provided within the Territory;
                                                   b) Operational procedures - radiotelephony procedures; phraseology;
                                                      telecommunication network;
                                                   c) Rules and regulations - rules and regulations applicable to the aeronautical
                                                      station operator; and
                                                   d) Telecommunication equipment - principles, use and limitations of
                                                      telecommunication equipment in an aeronautical station, and
                                              (3)  have demonstrated to the Governor the ability to efficiently and accurately transmit
                                                  and receive radiotelephony messages.
                                          (b)  The holder of a current OTs Air Traffic Controller licence is deemed to have passed the
                                              examinations required by paragraph 65.327(a)(2).
             OTAR.65.329             Privileges
                                      An aeronautical station operator licence authorises the holder to act as an operator at an aeronautical
                                      radio station.
             OTAR.65.331             Recent experience requirements
                                          (a)  An aeronautical station operator licence remains in force for the lifetime of the holder,
                                              unless a shorter period is specified in the licence, provided that the licence has not been
                                              suspended or revoked.
                                          (b)  Where the privileges of an aeronautical station operator licence issued under this Subpart
                                              have not been exercised within the immediately preceding 3 years, the licence holder
                                              shall meet the requirements of 65.327(a)(3) before the privileges of that licence may be
                                              exercised again.

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