Page 320 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
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Regulation OTAR Part 77 - Activities Affecting Airspace
displayed on an aircraft. (AN(OT)O)
Ground level at its site, means the highest ground within a 600 m radius of the site;
ICAO Document 8168, means the Procedures For Air Navigation Services: Aircraft Operations, approved
and published by decision of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organisation;
Significant hazard, means a hazard for which it is expected that action to mitigate risks will have to be
OTAR.77.13 Applicability
(a) AN(OT)O, Article 109, relates to the establishment, maintenance and alteration of aeronautical
(b) AN(OT)O, Article 110, relates to the display of lights which may endanger aircraft.
(c) Except as provided in Part 139 Aerodrome Certification, this Part details requirements for
persons or organisations proposing:
(1) to construct or alter a structure that could constitute an obstacle and therefore, a
hazard to aircraft in flight; or
(2) the use of a structure, lights, lasers, weapons, or pyrotechnics, that could constitute a
hazard to aircraft in flight.
OTAR.77.15 General requirements
(a) A person or organisation constructing, altering or using a structure shall ensure that such
construction, alteration or use does not adversely affect the safety of aircraft in flight.
(b) A person or organisation using a light, laser, weapon or pyrotechnic shall ensure that such use
does not adversely affect the safety of aircraft in flight.
(c) In addition to the requirements of this Part, arrangements for activities potentially hazardous to
the safe operation of aircraft shall be co-ordinated with the appropriate Air Traffic Services
authorities in accordance with requirements of Part 172.
(e) All obstacles shall be marked or lit in accordance with the requirements of Part 139.
(f) Related requirements can be found in OTAR Part 139 and guidance information in ICAO Doc
9815 Manual on Laser Emitters and Flight Safety, UK CAP 736 Guide for the Operation of
Lasers, Searchlights and Fireworks in United Kingdom Airspace.
OTAR.77.17 Activities requiring approval
(a) Each person or organisation proposing to construct, alter or use a structure, either permanently
or temporarily, shall apply to the Governor in accordance with paragraph 77.19 if:
(1) the structure will extend more than 60 m or more in height above the ground level at its
site; or
(2) the structure will exceed the general tree height in the area by 15 m and be located in
an area of low flying activity, or
(3) for each aerodrome, the structure is or will be located below the approach or take-off
surfaces specified in OTAR Part 139.
(b) Each person or organisation proposing to operate a light or laser, either permanently or
temporarily, shall apply to the Governor in accordance with paragraph 77.19 if:
(1) by reason of its glare or effect on a pilot?s vision it is liable to endanger aircraft; or
(2) by reason of its liability to be mistaken for an aeronautical ground light it is liable to
endanger aircraft.
(c) Each person or organisation proposing to use weapons that will fire or launch a projectile that will
have a trajectory 60 m or more agl shall apply to the Governor in accordance with paragraph
(d) Each person or organisation proposing to stage a pyrotechnics display that will involve the firing
or launching of a projectile that will have a trajectory higher than 60 m shall apply to the Governor
in accordance with paragraph 77.19.
OTAR.77.19 Approval process
(a) Each person or organisation (the Applicant) proposing to undertake any of the activities defined in
paragraph 77.17 shall provide the Governor with safety assurance documentation to enable the
Governor to be satisfied that the proposed activity is adequately safe.
(b) The Applicant shall apply to the Governor with safety assurance documentation and any other
documentary evidence required at least 60 days prior to the proposed commencement of the
(c) Within 30 days of receiving the last documentation, if the Governor is satisfied that the proposal
is adequately safe, he/she will grant an approval or an approval with conditions or provide
reasons for not approving the application.
OTAR.77.21 Significant hazards
(a) Any structures or activities requiring approval under paragraph 77.19 may be hazardous to
aircraft in flight and may require the risks to be mitigated. Listed below are structures and
activities which are considered to be significant hazards to aircraft in flight. These structures and
activities may be permissible and the Governor will grant an approval if the Applicant can satisfy
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