Page 362 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 362
Regulation OTAR Part 172 - Air Traffic Service Organisation Requirements
(30) details of the procedures regarding the reporting of suspected infringements of legislation.
OTAR.172.App D Flight Information Service Manual (FISM) - Flight Information Service Manual (FISM) (172.157)
The FISM shall include:
(a) a description of the facility, which shall be equipped with large unobstructed windows ensuring
the best possible view of the aerodrome, the surrounding area, the manoeuvring area including
the runway, and the approaches.
(b) the description shall confirm that the following items are provided:
(1) headset or fitted speakers, microphone and transceiver radio selector panel (if more
than one frequency is available e.g. UHF vehicle frequency); and
(2) telephone selector panel/handsets(s) to public telephone network; and
(3) main power supply; and
(4) signal lamp; and
(5) wind speed and direction indicator; and
(6) barometric altimeter/precision barometer or other means of establishing QNH and
QFE; and
(7) clock (set to UTC); and
(8) aerodrome lighting panel (if lights available); and
(9) NAVAID monitoring panel (if NAVAIDs available); and
(10) internal lighting including emergency lighting; and
(11) logbook or other appropriate method of recording AFIS activity; and
(12) flight data display; and
(13) clipboards/displays (for NOTAMs etc.); and
(14) the information regarding hours of service (which shall also be notified in the
Aerodrome sections of the Territory’s AIP); and
(15) details of the procedures regarding the control of documentation; and
(16) details of the systems and procedures regarding the status of the airfield, including
any equipment necessary for the provision of a safe service; and
(17) details of the systems and procedures regarding meteorological information and
reporting including:
(i) SIGMETs; and
(ii) surface wind direction and speed; and
(iii) relevant altimeter pressure setting(s); and
(iv) outside air temperature; and
(v) visibility; and
(vi) present weather; and
(vii) details of cloud cover; and
(18) details of altimeter setting procedures; and
(19) details of the procedures requiring the keeping of logbooks; and
(20) procedures regarding shift administration; and
(21) procedures to mitigate the effects of fatigue; and
(22) details of the procedures regarding responsibility for control of surface
traffic/personnel where applicable; and
(23) the contingency plans to deal with service disruption; and
(24) details of systems and procedures regarding the retention and management of
records; and
(25) details of the radio and telephone procedures, including the requirement that when an
AFIS is being provided, the suffix “Information” shall be used; and
(26) details of the procedures for relaying clearances and obtaining a correct readback of
clearances and safety-related information; and
(27) details of systems and procedures regarding the provision of alerting service for
aircraft emergencies in accordance with Appendix E; and
(28) details of the procedures regarding the processing of flight plans; and
(29) details of the procedures regarding time system and accuracy in the provision of
AFIS; and
(30) details of the arrangements in place for provision of AIS to the unit; and
(31) details of the procedures regarding the reporting of suspected infringements of
OTAR.172.App E Emergency categories
The following terms shall be used in relation to alerting emergency services:
(a) Aircraft accident/Aircraft accident imminent
Aircraft accidents that have occurred or are inevitable on, or in the vicinity of, the aerodrome.
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