Page 363 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 363
Regulation OTAR Part 172 - Air Traffic Service Organisation Requirements
(b) Aircraft ground incident
Where an aircraft on the ground is known to have an emergency situation, other than an
accident, requiring the attendance of emergency services.
(c) Full emergency
When it is known that an aircraft is, or is suspected to be, in such trouble that there is a danger
of an accident.
(d) Local standby
When it is known that an aircraft has, or is suspected to have, developed some defect but the
trouble would not normally involve any serious difficulty in effecting a safe landing.
Also used at some units when an aircraft has to be searched following a bomb warning or
requires inspecting on the ground by the aerodrome fire service.
(e) Weather standby
When weather conditions are such as to render a landing difficult or difficult to observe.
(f) Domestic fire
The classification ‘Domestic’ is given to any fire:
(1) on the aerodrome not included in the categories above;
(2) outside the aerodrome boundary (other than aircraft accidents) which is liable to
constitute a danger to flying or aerodrome property;
(3) which the Aerodrome Fire Service should attend:
(i) according to an agreement with the Local Fire Brigade; or
(ii) in response to calls from the public or Police on humanitarian grounds.
Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements 363 of 386