Page 71 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 71

Regulation OTAR Part 91 - General Operating Instructions

                                        (c)  In complying with (b) the operator shall have regard to:
                                             (1)  the type of aerial work activity; and
                                             (2)  the operating environment.
                                        (d)  The operator shall make the standard operating procedures referred to in (b) available to every
                                            employee or person who is engaged or may engage in aerial work operations conducted by him.
                                        (e)  The operator shall ensure that the risk assessment is reviewed and guidance to operating staff
                                            kept up to date, taking into account any changes affecting the operation.
                                        (f)  A foreign-registered aircraft shall not be used for aerial photography, aerial survey or any other
                                            form of aerial work otherwise than under and in accordance with the terms of a permission
                                            granted by the Governor.
                                            Note: In this context a “foreign-registered aircraft” is an aircraft registered in a Contracting State
                                            other than the United Kingdom or any of the Territories, or in a foreign country.

             OTAR.91.375             Aerial application for purposes of agriculture etc
                                        (a)  An aircraft shall not be used for the dropping of articles for the purposes of agriculture,
                                            horticulture, forestry or conservation or for training for the dropping of articles for any of such
                                            purposes, otherwise than under and in accordance with the terms of an aerial application
                                            permission granted by the Governor in accordance with Appendix C.
                                        (b)  No article or substance shall be dropped from an aircraft in a manner that creates a hazard to
                                            persons or property in the aircraft or elsewhere.
             OTAR.91.380             Towing, picking up, raising and lowering of persons and articles
                                        (a)  An aircraft in flight shall not, by means external to the aircraft tow any article or pick up, raise or
                                            lower any person, animal or article, unless:
                                             (1)  there is a certificate of airworthiness issued or rendered valid in respect of that aircraft
                                                 under the law of the country in which the aircraft is registered and that certificate or the
                                                 flight manual for the aircraft includes an express provision that it may be used for that
                                                 purpose; and
                                             (2)  if it is a helicopter, otherwise than under and in accordance with the terms of a
                                                 permission for helicopter external load operations (HELO) or helicopter hoist
                                                 operations (HHO), or an aerial application permission, granted by the Governor in
                                                 accordance with Appendix C.
                                                 Note 1: 'Helicopter hoist operations' (HHO) refers to a flight the purpose of which is to
                                                 facilitate the transfer of persons and/or cargo by means of a helicopter hoist.
                                                 Note 2: HHO where any person on the hoist is not a crew member must comply with
                                                 the requirements applicable to commercial air transport operations.

                                        (b)  An aircraft in flight shall not tow any article, other than a glider, at night or when flight visibility is
                                            less than one nautical mile.
                                        (c)  The length of the combination of towing aircraft, towrope, and article in tow, shall not exceed 150
                                        (d)  An aeroplane shall not launch or pick up towropes, banners or similar articles other than at an
                                        (e)  A helicopter shall not fly at any height over a congested area of a city, town or settlement at any
                                            time when any article, person or animal is suspended from the helicopter.
                                        (f)  Subject to any applicable commercial air transport requirements, a person who is not a member
                                            of the flight crew shall not be carried in a helicopter at any time when an article, person or animal
                                            is suspended from the helicopter, other than:
                                             (1)  a task specialist who has duties to perform in connection with the article, person or
                                                 animal; or
                                             (2)  a person who has been picked up or raised by means external to the helicopter; or
                                             (3)  a person who it is intended shall be lowered to the surface by means external to the
                                        (g)  The pilot-in-command shall ensure that all persons are briefed before take-off on the relevant
                                            procedures to be followed (including normal, abnormal, and emergency procedures) and
                                            equipment to be used during helicopter external load operations (HELO) and helicopter hoist
                                            operations (HHO).
                                        (h)  Nothing in this paragraph:
                                             (1)  prohibits the towing in a reasonable manner by an aircraft in flight of any radio aerial,
                                                 any instrument which is being used for experimental purposes, or any signal,
                                                 apparatus or article required or permitted by or under the Order to be towed or
                                                 displayed by an aircraft in flight; or
                                             (2)  prohibits the picking up, raising or lowering of any person, animal or article in an
                                                 emergency or for the purpose of saving life.
             OTAR.91.385             Dropping of articles and animals
                                        (a)  Articles and animals (whether or not attached to a parachute) shall not be dropped, or be
                                            permitted to drop, from an aircraft in flight so as to endanger persons or property.
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