Page 72 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 72

Regulation OTAR Part 91 - General Operating Instructions

                                        (b)  Subject to (c) and (d), articles and animals (whether or not attached to a parachute) shall not be
                                            dropped, or be permitted to drop, to the surface from an aircraft flying over the Territory except
                                            under and in accordance with the terms of an aerial application permission granted by the
                                            Governor in accordance with Appendix C.
                                        (c)  Paragraph (b) does not apply to the dropping of articles by, or with the authority of, the pilot-in-
                                            command of the aircraft in any of the following circumstances:
                                             (1)  the dropping of articles for the purpose of saving life;
                                             (2)  the jettisoning, in case of emergency, of fuel or other articles in the aircraft;
                                             (3)  the dropping of ballast in the form of fine sand or water;
                                             (4)  the dropping of articles solely for the purpose of navigating the aircraft in accordance
                                                 with ordinary practice or with the provisions of the Order;
                                             (5)  the dropping at an aerodrome of tow ropes, banners, or similar articles towed by
                                             (6)  the dropping of articles for the purposes of public health or as a measure against
                                                 weather conditions, surface icing or oil pollution, or for training for the dropping of
                                                 articles for any such purposes, if the articles are dropped with the permission of the
                                                 Governor; or
                                             (7)  the dropping of wind drift indicators for the purpose of enabling parachute descents to
                                                 be made if the wind drift indicators are dropped with the permission of the Governor.
                                        (d)  Paragraph (b) does not apply to the lowering of any article or animal from a helicopter to the
                                            surface in accordance with the terms of a permission granted by the Governor as required under
             OTAR.91.390             Dropping of persons – Parachuting
                                        (a)  A person shall not drop, be dropped or be permitted to drop to the surface or jump from an
                                            aircraft flying over the Territory except under and in accordance with the terms of a parachuting
                                            permission granted by the Governor in accordance with Appendix C.
                                        (b)  A person shall not drop, be dropped or be permitted to drop from an aircraft in flight so as to
                                            endanger persons or property.
                                        (c)  An aircraft shall not be used for the purpose of dropping persons unless:

                                             (1)  there is a certificate of airworthiness issued or rendered valid in respect of that aircraft
                                                 under the law of the country in which the aircraft is registered; and
                                             (2)  that certificate or the flight manual includes an express provision that it may be used for
                                                 that purpose; and
                                             (3)  the aircraft is operated in accordance with a written permission granted by the
                                                 Governor in accordance with Appendix C.

                                                 Note: The 91.370(a) limitation on the number of persons to be carried is not applicable
                                                 to aerial work parachuting flights.

                                        (d)  The pilot-in-command shall ensure that all persons to be carried are briefed before take-off on
                                            the relevant procedures to be followed (including normal, abnormal, and emergency procedures)
                                            and any aircraft equipment to be used during the parachuting operation.
                                        (e)  Nothing in this paragraph:
                                             (1)  applies to the descent of persons by parachute from an aircraft in an emergency;
                                             (2)  prohibits the lowering of any person in an emergency or for the purpose of saving life;
                                             (3)  prohibits the disembarkation of any person from a helicopter hovering in ground effect
                                                 in accordance with normal aviation practice; or
                                             (4)  prohibits the lowering of any person from a helicopter to the surface in accordance with
                                                 the terms of a permission granted by the Governor as required under 91.380.

             OTAR.91.400             Meteorological conditions – VFR flight
                                      A flight to be conducted in accordance with the visual flight rules shall not be commenced unless current
                                      meteorological reports or a combination of current reports and forecasts indicate that the meteorological
                                      conditions along the route or that part of the route to be flown under the visual flight rules will, at the
                                      appropriate time, be such as to enable compliance with these rules.
             OTAR.91.405             Commercial air transport aeroplane operations at night or in IMC
                                      A single-engine aeroplane, or a two-engine aeroplane that is unable to maintain a positive climb gradient in
                                      the event of an engine failure on take-off, shall not be flown for the purpose of commercial air transport at
                                      night or in instrument meteorological conditions unless it is flying on a special VFR flight in a control zone.
             OTAR.91.410             Meteorological conditions – IFR flight
                                        (a)  A flight to be conducted in accordance with the instrument flight rules shall not:
                                             (1)  take off or continue beyond the point of in-flight re-planning unless at the aerodrome of
                                                 intended landing or at each alternate aerodrome to be selected in accordance with
                                                 OTAR 91.265, current meteorological reports or a combination of current reports and
                                                 forecasts indicate that the meteorological conditions will be, at the estimated time of
                                                 use, at or above the aerodrome operating minima for that operation.

             OTAR.91.415             IFR departure limitations
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