Page 77 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 77

Regulation OTAR Part 91 - General Operating Instructions

                                             (1)  A helicopter operating in performance Class 3 shall be equipped with at least one
                                                 automatic ELT; and
                                             (2)  when flying over water as described in 91.715, with at least one automatic ELT and one
                                                 ELT(S) in a raft or life jacket.

             OTAR.91.710             Survival equipment
                                        (a)  An aircraft shall carry survival equipment and signalling devices appropriate to the areas to be
                                        (b)  The decision on the equipment to be carried shall be made with regard to the circumstances of
                                            the flight; and
                                        (c)  For an aircraft operating over water, consideration of the risks to survival of the occupants of the
                                            aircraft in the event of a ditching shall take into account, but not be limited to, the following:
                                             (1)  the operating environment; and
                                             (2)  conditions such as sea state, sea and air temperature; and
                                             (3)  the distance from land suitable for making an emergency landing; and
                                             (4)  the availability of search and rescue facilities.
                                        (d)  The equipment carried shall include, as appropriate, the equipment specified in paragraph
             OTAR.91.715             Flights over water
                                        (a)  Liferafts, lifejackets, and signalling devices required by this paragraph shall be installed in
                                            conspicuously identified locations and easily accessible in the event of a ditching.
                                        (b)  Each lifejacket or equivalent individual flotation device, required by this paragraph shall:
                                             (1)  be equipped with a means of electric illumination for the purpose of facilitating the
                                                 location of persons, with the exception of individual flotation devices required under
                                                 91.715(d); and
                                             (2)  be stowed in a place which is easily accessible from the seat or berth of the person for
                                                 whose use it is provided.
                                        (c)  Single-engined aircraft flying over water beyond gliding or autorotational distance from land shall
                                            be equipped with a lifejacket, or equivalent individual flotation device, for every person on board.
                                        (d)  An aircraft when taking off or landing at an aerodrome or heliport where the take-off or approach
                                            path is so disposed over water that in the event of a mishap there would be a likelihood of a
                                            ditching, shall be equipped with a lifejacket or equivalent individual flotation device, for every
                                            person on board.
                                        (e)  A seaplane or amphibian aeroplane operated on water, shall be equipped with:
                                             (1)  a lifejacket, or equivalent individual flotation device, for every person on board
                                             (2)  equipment for making sound signals, as prescribed by the International Regulations for
                                                 Preventing Collisions at Sea; and
                                             (3)  one sea anchor; and
                                             (4)  equipment necessary for mooring, anchoring or manoeuvring the aircraft on water,
                                                 appropriate to the size, mass and handling characteristics of the aircraft.
                                            Aeroplanes on extended flights over water (a distance greater than 50nm or 30 minutes at
                                            normal cruising speed, whichever is lesser, from land suitable for making an emergency landing)
                                        (f)  An aeroplane flying over water shall, where indicated by the assessment in 91.710(c), be
                                            equipped with:
                                             (1)  a lifejacket, or equivalent individual flotation device, for every person on board
                                             (2)  liferafts in sufficient numbers to carry all persons on board, stowed so as to facilitate
                                                 their ready use in emergency, provided with such life-saving equipment, including
                                                 means of sustaining life, as is appropriate to the flight to be undertaken; and
                                             (3)  equipment for making the distress signals described in the Rules of the Air.
                                             (4)  any additional equipment decided by reference to the assessment in 91.710(c).

                                      Helicopters flying over water –
                                        (g)  A helicopter operating over water shall:
                                             (1)  If required to carry more than one liferaft, have at least 50 per cent of the liferafts
                                                 deployable by remote control. Rafts which are not deployable by remote control and
                                                 which have a mass of more than 40 kg shall be equipped with some means of
                                                 mechanically assisted deployment; and
                                             (2)  When two life-rafts are fitted, each shall be able to carry all occupants in the overload
                                                 Note: The overload state is a design safety margin of 1.5 times the maximum capacity.
                                            Performance Class 1 and 2 operations –
                                             (3)  A helicopter operating in performance Class 1 or 2 when flying over water at a distance
                                                 from land corresponding to more than 10 minutes at normal cruise speed, shall be
                                                 equipped as follows:
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