Page 81 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 81

Regulation OTAR Part 91 - General Operating Instructions

             OTAR.91.910             Flight crew qualification
                                      The pilot-in-command shall satisfy himself that:
                                        (a)  each flight crew member assigned to duty holds an appropriate licence issued or validated by the
                                            State of Registry of the aircraft; and
                                        (b)  flight crew members are properly rated in respect of their assigned duty; and
                                        (c)  the licence is current and includes the appropriate rating, and
                                        (d)  flight crew members are competent to carry out their assigned duties.
                                        (e)  where an aircraft is equipped with an airborne collision avoidance system, each flight crew
                                            member has been appropriately trained to competency in the use of that equipment and the
                                            avoidance of collisions.
             OTAR.91.915             Flight crew recency
                                        (a)  No person shall act as pilot-in-command of an aircraft carrying passengers, unless:
                                             (1)  on the same type of aircraft within the immediately preceding 90 days, that pilot has
                                                 made at least three take-offs and three landings; or
                                             (2)  has otherwise demonstrated competence on an approved synthetic flight training
                                                 device approved for the purpose; or
                                             (3)  has satisfactorily demonstrated to a flight examiner, continued proficiency in an aircraft
                                                 of the same type.

             OTAR.91.1215            Fatigue – Crew member responsibilities
                                      A person shall not act as a flight crew member of an aircraft registered in the Territory if at the beginning of
                                      the flight the aggregate of all his previous flight times:
                                        (a)  during the period of 28 consecutive days expiring at the end of the day on which the flight begins
                                            exceeds 100 hours; or
                                        (b)  during the period of twelve months expiring at the end of the previous month exceeds 900 hours.

                                            Note: For private and non-commercial air transport flights some exceptions to this requirement
                                            are specified in the Order.
             OTAR.91.1255            Journey log book or equivalent record
                                        (a)  The owner or lessee of an aircraft shall keep accurate journey log book or equivalent records that
                                            contain for each flight or series of flights:
                                             (1)  aircraft nationality and registration;
                                             (2)  date;
                                             (3)  names of crew members;
                                             (4)  duty assignments of crew members;
                                             (5)  place of departure;
                                             (6)  place of arrival;
                                             (7)  time of departure;
                                             (8)  time of arrival;
                                             (9)  hours of flight;
                                             (10)  nature of flight (private, aerial work, scheduled or non-scheduled commercial air
                                             (11)  incidents and observations (if any); and
                                             (12)  signature of person in charge.
                                        (b)  An aircraft journey log, or parts thereof, may not be required if the relevant information is available
                                            in other documentation.
                                        (c)  All entries shall be made concurrently and be permanent in nature.

             OTAR.91.1265            Document retention period
                                      When required for an aircraft registered in the Territory: information for the preparation and execution of a
                                      flight; reports; flight crew records; cabin crew records; records for other operational personnel; and, other
                                      specifed records, shall be stored for the periods prescribed in Appendix 1 to 91.1265.
             OTAR.91.1265 APP1       Document storage periods
                                      When any of the following information/documentation is required, it shall be stored in an acceptable form,
                                      accessible to the Governor, for the periods shown in Tables 1 to 6 below.
                                      Note: Additional information relating to the retention of maintenance records is prescribed in OTAR 39.

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