Page 93 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
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Regulation OTAR Part 91 - General Operating Instructions

                                            serviceable at the commencement of a low visibility take-off, a lower than Standard Category I
                                            approach, an Other than Standard Category II approach, an approach utilising EVS, or a
                                            Category II or III approach in accordance with the aircraft flight manual or other approved
                                        (b)  The pilot in command shall be satisfied that the status of the aircraft and of the relevant airborne
                                            systems is appropriate for the specific operation to be conducted.
             OTAR.SPA.030.GEN        Changes to operations subject to a specific approval
                                        (a)  The operator shall notify the Governor of any change on the items listed in SPA.020.GEN (a) and
                                            (b) and any of the requirements in the applicable section before such change takes place.
                                        (b)  The Governor may prescribe the conditions under which the organisation may operate during
                                            such changes, unless the Governor determines that the specific approval shall be suspended or
                                        (c)  In the case of a change to a specific approval, operators shall provide the Governor with the
                                            relevant parts of the operations manual and all other relevant documentation
             OTAR.SPA.030.RVSM       Flight crew requirements for operations in RVSM airspace
                                      For commercial air transport operations the minimum flight crew shall consist of at least two pilots.
             OTAR.SPA.030.SPN        Flight crew requirements for operations in PBN or North Atlantic High Level Airspace (NAT HLA) areas
                                      For commercial air transport operations the minimum flight crew shall consist of at least two pilots.

             OTAR.SPA.035.GEN        Continued validity of a specific approval
                                      Specific approvals shall be issued for an unlimited duration. They shall remain valid subject to the operator
                                      remaining in compliance with this subpart and Parts 125.A.5 or 119.15.

             OTAR.SPA.B (APP B)      Appendix B – Emergency Equipment
                                      [NOT USED]
             OTAR.SPA.C.005 (APP C)  Applicability
                                      The following requirements apply to applicants for and holders of permissions for the conduct of
                                      specialised operations as required under 91.375, 91.380 and 91.390.
             OTAR.SPA.C.010 (App C)  Permissions – General requirements
                                        (a)  Every applicant for and holder of a permission shall make available to the Governor if requested
                                            an operations manual containing such information and instructions as may be necessary to
                                            enable employees and persons engaged in the operation to perform their duties.
                                        (b)  The operations manual shall include standard operating procedures as described in 91.370.
                                        (c)  The permission holder shall make such amendments or additions to the operations manual as
                                            the Governor may require.
                                        (d)  The permission holder shall make the manual available to every employee or person who is
                                            engaged or may engage in aerial activities conducted by him.
                                        (e)  The permission holder shall ensure that each copy of the operations manual is kept up to date.
                                        (f)  The permission holder shall clearly define the duties and accountabilities of those persons
                                            responsible for managing the safe operation of aircraft.
                                        (g)  The permission holder shall ensure that all employees and persons engaged in the operation are
                                            trained and equipped as appropriate to the tasks to be performed.
                                        (h)  Notwithstanding 91.155:
                                             (1)  the permission holder shall be responsible for operational control; and
                                             (2)  operational control shall only be delegated to a flight operations officer/flight dispatcher
                                                 or the pilot-in-command.

             OTAR.SPA.D (APP D)      Appendix D – Rules of the Air
                                      See Schedule 4 of the AN(OT)O 2013

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