Page 392 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 392

Part CAT - ANNEX IV - Commercial Air Transport Operations

                                              (2)  a survivor locator light in each life-raft;
                                              (3)  life-saving equipment to provide the means for sustaining life, as appropriate for the
                                                 flight to be undertaken; and
                                              (4)  at least two survival ELTs (ELT(S)).
                                          (f) By 1 January 2019 at the latest, aeroplanes with an MCTOM of more than 27 000 kg and
                                             with an MOPSC of more than 19 and all aeroplanes with an MCTOM of more than 45 500
                                             kg shall be fitted with a securely attached underwater locating device that operates at a
                                             frequency of 8,8 kHz ± 1 kHz, unless:
                                              (1)  the aeroplane is operated over routes on which it is at no point at a distance of more
                                                 than 180 NM from the shore; or
                                              (2)  the aeroplane is equipped with robust and automatic means to accurately determine,
                                                 following an accident where the aeroplane is severely damaged, the location of the
                                                 point of end of flight.
             CAT.IDE.A.285 AMC1      Flight over water
                                          (a) The following should be readily available with each life-raft:
                                              (1)  means for maintaining buoyancy;
                                              (2)  a sea anchor:
                                              (3)  life-lines and means of attaching one life-raft to another;
                                              (4)  paddles for life-rafts with a capacity of six or less;
                                              (5)  means of protecting the occupants from the elements;
                                              (6)  a water-resistant torch;
                                              (7)  signalling equipment to make the pyrotechnic distress signals described in ICAO
                                                 Annex 2, ‘Rules of the Air’;
                                              (8)  100 g of glucose tablets for each four, or fraction of four, persons that the life-raft is
                                                 designed to carry;
                                              (9)  at least 2 litres of drinkable water provided in durable containers or means of making
                                                 sea water drinkable or a combination of both; and
                                             (10) first-aid equipment.
                                          (b) As far as practicable, items listed in (a) should be contained in a pack.
             CAT.IDE.A.285(a) AMC1   Flight over water
                                     ACCESSIBILITY OF LIFE-JACKETS
                                     The life-jacket should be accessible from the seat or berth of the person for whose use it is provided,
                                     with a safety belt or restraint system fastened.
             CAT.IDE.A.285(a) AMC2   Flight over water
                                     ELECTRIC ILLUMINATION OF LIFE-JACKETS
                                     The means of electric illumination should be a survivor locator light as defined in the applicable TSO
                                     issued by the CAA or equivalent.
             CAT.IDE.A.285(a) GM1    Flight over water
                                     SEAT CUSHIONS
                                     Seat cushions are not considered to be flotation devices.
             CAT.IDE.A.285(e)(4) AMC1 &  Flight over water & Survival equipment
             CAT.IDE.A.305(a)(2) AMC1  SURVIVAL ELT
                                     An ELT(AP) may be used to replace one required ELT(S) provided that it meets the ELT(S)
                                     requirements. A water-activated ELT(S) is not an ELT(AP).
             CAT.IDE.A.285(f) AMC1   Flight over water
                                     LOW-FREQUENCY UNDERWATER LOCATING DEVICE
                                          (a)  The underwater locating device should be compliant with ETSO-C200 or equivalent.
                                          (b) The underwater locating device should not be installed in wings or empennage.
             CAT.IDE.A.285(f)(2) GM1  Flight over water
                                     CAT.IDE.A.285(f)(2) refers to means such as required by CAT.GEN.MPA.210 ‘Location of an aircraft in
                                     distress’. The adjective ‘robust’ in CAT.IDE.A.285(f)(2) indicates that this means is designed to provide
                                     the location of the point of end of flight in non-survivable accident scenarios as well as in survivable
                                     accident scenarios.
             CAT.IDE.A.305           Survival equipment
                                          (a) Aeroplanes operated over areas in which search and rescue would be especially difficult
                                             shall be equipped with:
                                              (1)  signalling equipment to make the distress signals;
                                              (2)  at least one ELT(S); and
                                              (3)  additional survival equipment for the route to be flown taking account of the number
                                                 of persons on board.
                                          (b) The additional survival equipment specified in (a)(3) does not need to be carried when the
                                              (1)  remains within a distance from an area where search and rescue is not especially
                                                 difficult corresponding to:
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