Page 572 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 572

~         Regulation NCC - ANNEX VI - Non-Commercial Complex Operations                                      n trik

                                      .,.      ·-   ~      -v      ...... ..,...,   ...  ..,..,..,
                                      261      280   600   900     1100   1300
                                      281      300   650   900     1200   1400
                                      301      320   700   1000    1200   1400
                                      321      340   800   1100    1300   1500
                                      341      360   900   1200    1400   1600
                                      361      380   1000   1300   1500   1 700
                                      381      400   1100   1400   1600   1800
                                      401      420   1200   1500   1 700   1900
                                      421      440   1300   1600   1800   2 000
                                      441      460   1400   1 700   1900   2100
                                      461      480   1500   1800   2 000   2 200
                                      481      500   1500   1800   2 100   2 300
                                      501      520   1600   1900   2 100   2 400
                                      521      540   1700   2 000   2 200   2 400
                                      541      560   1800   2100   2300   2 500
                                      561      580   1900   2 200   2 400   HOO
                                      581      600   2000   2 300   2 500   2 700
                                      601      620   2100   2 400   2600   2 800
                                      621      640   2200   2 500   2 700   2 900
                                      641      660   2300   2 600   2 800   3 000
                                      661      680   2400   2 700   2 900   3100
                                      681      700   2500   2 800   3000   3 200
                                      701      720   2600   2 900   3100   3300
                                      721      740   2 700   3 000   3200   3 400
                                      741      760   2 700   3 000   3300   3 500
                                      761      800   2 900   3 200   3400   3 600
                                      801      850   3100   3400   3600   3 800
                                      851      900   3300   3 600   3800   4 000
                                      901      950   3600   3 900   4100   4 300
                                      951      1000   3800   4100   4 300   4 500
                                      1001     1100   4100   4400   4600   4900
                                      1101     1200   4600   4 900   5000   5000
                                      1 201 and above   5 000   5 000   5000   5000
                                     !fable 4.A: CAT I, APV, NPA - aeroplanes
                                      Minimum and maximum applicable RVR/CMV (lower and upper hm1ts)
                                       Facility/conditions   RVR/CMV  Aeroplane category
                                                            A    B     C     D
                                                      Min   According to Table 3
                                       ll.S, ML.S,  GL.S,  PAR,
                                       GNSS/SBAS, GNSS/VNAV
                                                      Max   1 SOO   1500   2400   2 400
                                       NDB, NDB/DME, VOR,   Min   750   750   750   750
                                       VOR/DME, LOC,  LOC/DME,
                                       VDF, SRA, GNSS/LNAV with a   Max   1 SOO   1500   2400   2 400
                                       procedure that fulfils the
                                       crrteria io AMC4 NCC.OP.110
                                       for NDB, NDB/DME, VOR,   Min   1000   1000   1200   1200
                                       VOR/DME,  LOC,  LOC/DME,
                                       VDF, SRA, GNSS/LNAV:   Max   According to Table 3 if flown using the CDFA
                                                            technique, otherwise an acid-on of
                                       -  not fulfill ing the criteria
                                                            200/400 m applies to the values in Table 3
                                          in  AMC4  NCC.OP .110
                                                            but not to result in a value exceeding
                                          (a)(2)., or
                                       -  with a DH  or  MOH  2!:  1
             NCC.OP.110 AMC6         Aerodrome operating minima — general
                                      DETERMINATION OF RVR/CMV/VIS MINIMA FOR NPA, CAT I — HELICOPTERS
                                          (a) For non-precision approach (NPA) operations the minima specified in Table 4.1.H should
                                              (1)  where the missed approach point is within ½ NM of the landing threshold, the
                                                 approach minima specified for FALS may be used regardless of the length of
                                                 approach lights available. However, FATO/runway edge lights, threshold lights, end
                                                 lights and FATO/runway markings are still required;
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