Page 574 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 574

~         Regulation NCC - ANNEX VI - Non-Commercial Complex Operations                                      n trik

                                                                           RVR/CMV = reported
                                                                          meteorological visibi I ty x
                                                   Light elements in op,eratio n
                                                                           Day     Night
                                                   HI  approach and runway lights   1.5   2.0
                                                   Any type of light installation other than above   1.0   1.5
                                                   No tights               1.0     not applicable

             NCC.OP.110 AMC9         Aerodrome operating minima — general
                                          (a) General
                                              These instructions are intended for both preflight and inflight use. It is, however, not
                                              expected that the pilotincommand would consult such instructions after passing 1 000 ft
                                              above the aerodrome. If failures of ground aids are announced at such a late stage, the
                                              approach could be continued at the pilotincommand’s discretion. If failures are announced
                                              before such a late stage in the approach, their effect on the approach should be
                                              considered as described in Table 6 and, if considered necessary, the approach should be
                                          (b) Conditions applicable to Table 6:
                                              (1)  multiple failures of runway/FATO lights other than indicated in Table 6 should not be
                                              (2)  deficiencies of approach and runway/FATO lights are treated separately; and
                                              (3)  failures other than ILS, MLS affect RVR only and not DH.
                                                  Table 6: Failed or downgraded equ ipme.nt - effect on landing minima
                                                   Failed or downgraded   Effect on landing m inima
                                                                 CAT I     APV, NPA
                                                   ILS/ MLS standby
                                                                  No effect
                                                   transm itter
                                                                           APV - not applicable
                                                                           NPAwith FAF: no effect unless used a.s
                                                                  No effect if
                                                                  replaced by
                                                   Outer marker
                                                                  height check at   If the FAF cannot be identified (e.g. no
                                                                  1 000ft   method available for timing of descent},
                                                                           non-precision operations cannot be
                                                   Middle marker   No effect   No effect unless used as MAPt
                                                   RVR Assessment S)'stems   No effect
                                                   Approach lights   Minima as for NALS
                                                   Approach lights except the
                                                                  Minima as for BALS
                                                   last 210 m
                                                   Approach lights except the
                                                                  M inima as for IALS
                                                   last 420 m
                                                   Standby power for
                                                   approach lights   No effect
                                                   Edge lights, threshold lights   Day - no effect
                                                   and runway end I ights   Night - not a I lowed
                                                                  No effect if flight
                                                                 d irector (F/ D),
                                                                  HU DLS ora uto-
                                                   Centreline lights   land;   No effect
                                                                 otherwise RVR
                                                   Centreline lights spacing
                                                                  No effect
                                                   increased to 30 m
                                                                  No effect if F/D,
                                                                  HU DLS or auto-
                                                   Touchdown zone lights   land;   No effect
                                                                 otherwise RVR
                                                   Taxiway lighting system   No effect
             NCC.OP.110 GM1          Aerodrome operating minima — general
                                      AIRCRAFT CATEGORIES
                                          (a) Aircraft categories should be based on the indicated airspeed at threshold (VAT), which is
                                              equal to the stalling speed (VSO) multiplied by 1.3 or where published 1-g (gravity) stall
                                              speed (VS1g) multiplied by 1.23 in the landing configuration at the maximum certified
                                              landing mass. If both VSO and VS1g are available, the higher resulting VAT should be
                                          (b) The aircraft categories specified in the following table should be used.
                                                   Table 1: Aircraft categories corresponding to V AI va I ues
                                                  I Aircraft
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