Page 623 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 623
~ Regulation NCC - ANNEX VI - Non-Commercial Complex Operations n trik
communication message being recorded.
(e) The expression ‘taking into account the system’s architecture’, in NCC.IDE.A.170 (a)(3),
means that the recording of the specified information may be omitted if the existing
source systems involved would require a major upgrade. The following should be
(1) the extent of the modification required;
(2) the down-time period; and
(3) equipment software development.
(f) Data link communications messages that support the applications in Table 1 below
should be recorded.
(g) Further details on the recording requirements can be found in the recording requirement
matrix in Appendix D.2 of EUROCAE Document ED-93 (Minimum Aviation System
Performance Specification for CNS/ATM Recorder Systems), dated November 1998.
Table 1 : Data link recording
Item Application Type Application Description Required
No. Reoording
Data link initiation This includes any application used to log on to, or C
initiate, a data link service. In future air navi,gat~n
system (FANS)-1/A and air traffic navigation (ATN),
these a re ATS facilities notification (AFN) and
context management (CM), respectively.
Controller/pilot Th is includes any application used to exdlange C
communication requests, clearances, instructions and repons
between the flight crew and controllers on the
ground. In FANS-1/A and ATN, th is includes the
controller pilot data link commun ications (CPDLC)
It also includes applkations used forttie exchange
of oceanic dearances (OCL) and departure
clearances (DCL), as well as data link delivery of taxi
Add ressed Th is includes any surveil lance applicatJOn in which C, F2
surveillance the ground sets up contracts for delivery of
surveilla nee data.
In FANS-1/A and ATN, this includes the automatic
dependent surveillance-contract (ADS-C)
Fl ight informatH>n Th is ind udes any appl icatJOn used for delivery of C
fligtit informatH>n data to specific aeroplanes. Th is
includes for example digital automatic terminal
information service (D ATIS), data link operational
termina l information service (D OTIS), digital
weather infonnation services (data link·
meteorological aerodrome or aeronautica l repon
(D-METAR) or terminal weather information for
pi lots (TWIP)), data link flight information service
(D·FIS), and Notice to Airmen (electronic NOTAM)
Broadcast Th is includes elementary and -enhanced M',
surveillance surveillance systems, as well as automatic Fi
dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS·B) output
6 Aeronautical Th is includes any application transmitting or M'
operationa I control receiving data used for AOC purposes (in
(AOC) data accorda nee with the I CAO definition of AOC) . Such
systems may also process aeronautical
administrative communication (AAq mes.sages, but
ther e is no requirement to record AAC messages
Graphics Th is includes any application receNing graphical M'
data to be used for operatfOnal purposes (i.e. Fl
excluding applications that are receiving such
things as updates to manuals).
NCC.IDE.A.170 GM1 Data link recording
(a) The letters and expressions in Table 1 of AMC1 NCC.IDE.A.170 have the following
(1) C: complete contents recorded.
(2) M: information that enables correlation with any associated records stored
separately from the aeroplane.
(3) *: applications that are to be recorded only as far as is practicable, given the
architecture of the system.
(4) F1: graphics applications may be considered as AOC messages when they are
part of a data link communications application service run on an individual basis by
the operator itself in the framework of the operational control.
(5) F2: where parametric data sent by the aeroplane, such as Mode S, is reported
within the message, it should be recorded unless data from the same source is
recorded on the FDR.
(b) The definitions of the applications type in Table 1 of AMC1 NCC.IDE.A.170 are described
in Table 1 below.
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