Page 713 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
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~ Regulation NCO - ANNEX VII - Non-Commercial Operations with Non-Complex Motor Powered Aircraft
automatically approved for a navigation specification having a less stringent accuracy
requirement (e.g. RNP 4).
(c) For RNP 4, at least two LRNSs, capable of navigating to RNP 4, and listed in the
AFM/POH, may be operational at the entry point of the RNP 4 airspace. If an item of
equipment required for RNP 4 operations is unserviceable, then the pilot-in-command
may consider an alternate route
or diversion for repairs. For multi-sensor systems, the AFM/POH may permit entry if one GNSS
sensor is lost after departure, provided one GNSS and one inertial sensor remain available.
NCO.IDE.H.200 Transponder
Where required by the airspace being flown, helicopters shall be equipped with a secondary
surveillance radar (SSR) transponder with all the required capabilities.
NCO.IDE.H.200 AMC1 Transponder
(a) The secondary surveillance radar (SSR) transponders of helicopters being operated
under European air traffic control should comply with any applicable Single European Sky
(b) If the Single European Sky legislation is not applicable, the SSR transponders should
operate in accordance with the relevant provisions of Volume IV of ICAO Annex 10.
NCO.IDE.H.205 Management of aeronautical databases
(a) Aeronautical databases used on certified aircraft system applications shall meet data
quality requirements that are adequate for the intended use of the data.
(b) The pilot-in-command shall ensure the timely distribution and insertion of current and
unaltered aeronautical databases to the aircraft that require them.
(c) Notwithstanding any other occurrence reporting requirements as defined in Regulation
(EU) No 376/2014, the pilot-in-command shall report to the database provider instances
of erroneous, inconsistent or missing data that might be reasonably expected to
constitute a hazard to flight.
In such cases, the pilotincommand shall not use the affected data.
NCO.IDE.H.205 AMC1 Management of aeronautical databases
When the operator of an aircraft uses an aeronautical database that supports an airborne navigation
application as a primary means of navigation used to meet the airspace usage requirements, the
database provider should be a Type 2 DAT provider certified in accordance with Regulation (EU)
2017/373 or equivalent.
NCO.IDE.H.205 GM1 Management of aeronautical databases
The certification of a Type 2 DAT provider in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/373 ensures
data integrity and compatibility with the certified aircraft application/equipment.
NCO.IDE.H.205 GM2 Management of aeronautical databases
The operator should distribute current and unaltered aeronautical databases to all aircraft requiring
them in accordance with the validity period of the databases or in accordance with an established
procedure if no validity period is defined.
NCO.IDE.H.205 GM3 Management of aeronautical databases
(a) A ‘Type 2 DAT provider’ is an organisation as defined in Article 2(5)(b) of Regulation (EU)
(b) Equivalent to a certified ‘Type 2 DAT provider’ is defined in any Aviation Safety Agreement
between the European Union and a third country, including any Technical Implementation
Procedures, or any Working Arrangements between EASA and the competent authority
of a third country.
Reference Description
NCO.SPEC.100 Scope
This subpart establishes specific requirements to be followed by a pilot-in-command conducting non-
commercial specialised operations with other-than complex motor-powered aircraft.
NCO.SPEC.100 AMC1 Scope
The pilot-in-command should consider the following criteria to determine whether an activity falls
within the scope of specialised operations:
(a) the aircraft is flown close to the surface to fulfil the mission;
(b) abnormal manoeuvres are performed;
(c) special equipment is necessary to fulfil the mission and which affects the manoeuvrability
of the aircraft;
(d) substances are released from the aircraft during the flight where these substances are
either harmful or affect the manoeuvrability of the aircraft;
(e) external loads or goods are lifted or towed;
20th November 2021 713 of 856