Page 715 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 715

~          Regulation NCO - ANNEX VII - Non-Commercial Operations with Non-Complex Motor Powered Aircraft
                                                                                                               n trik

                                             this chapter should detail the specific performance requirements to be applied, in order to
                                             ensure an adequate power margin;
                                          (f)  normal procedures and emergency procedures:
                                              (1) operating procedures for the flight crew, including the coordination with task
                                              (2) ground procedures for the task specialists;
                                          (g)  ground equipment:
                                             this chapter should detail the nature, number and location of ground equipment required
                                             for the activity;
                                          (h)  records:
                                             it should be determined which records specific to these flight(s) are to be kept, such as
                                             task details, aircraft registration, pilotincommand, flight times, weather and any remarks,
                                             including a record of occurrences affecting flight safety or the safety of persons or property
                                             on the ground.
             NCO.SPEC.105 GM2        Checklists
                                      TEMPLATE FORMS
                                               The following templates are exam ples, which could be used for developing ched::list.
                                               (a)   Template Form A - Risk assessment (RA)
                                                   Date:  RA of  Responsible:
                                                   TVPe of operation and brief description:
                                                   Participants, working group:
                                                   Preconditions, assumptions and simplifications:
                                                   Data used:
                                                   Description of the analysis method:
                                                   External context:
                                                      Regulatory requirements
                                                   .  Environment al  conditiol'lS  (vi.sibility,  wind,  turbulence,  contrast,  light,  elevation,  etc.;
                                                      unless evident from the check.lists)
                                                      Stakeholders and their potential interest
                                                   Internal cont en:
                                                   .   Typels) of aircraft
                                                      Personnel and qualifications
                                                      Combination/similarity with ot her operations/SOPs
                                                   .  Ot her RA used/comidered/pl ugged in

                                                   Existing barriers and emergency
                                                   Monitoring and follow up:
                                                   Description of t he r isk:
                                                   Risk evaluation:
                                               (b)   Template form B - Hazard identification (HI)
                                                  Date:   HI of   R"5ponsi ble:
                                                   Phase of   Haz ref   Hazard/   Dluse/   Current   Further   TM   Comment
                                                   operation   accidental  threat   Treatment   treatment
                                                              e-Jent      Measures   required

                                                  Haz ref:  A unique number for hazards 1  e.g. 1 /or use in a database
                                                  TM ref:  A unique number for the treatment method
                                               (c)   Template form C - Mitigating measures
                                                  Date:.................  RA of  ~e5ponsible: .....
                                                   Phase   of  Haz ref   Haiard   Current   TM   L   C   Further
                                                   operation   / accident   Treatment   ref   treatment
                                                               al event   Measures     required

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