Page 719 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 719

  ~          Regulation NCO - ANNEX VII - Non-Commercial Operations with Non-Complex Motor Powered Aircraft
                                          (a)  The pilot-in-command may operate an aircraft over congested areas provided that:
                                              (1) the helicopter is certified in category A or B; and
                                              (2) safety measures are established to prevent undue hazard to persons or property on
                                                 the ground
                                          (b)  The pilot-in-command shall have:
                                              (1) established operational procedures to minimise the consequences of an engine
                                                 failure; and
                                              (2) briefed all crew members and task specialists on board on the procedures to be
                                                 carried out in the event of a forced landing.
                                          (c)  The pilot-in-command shall ensure that the mass at take-off, landing or hover shall not
                                             exceed the maximum mass specified for:
                                              (1) a hover out of ground effect (HOGE) with all engines operating at the appropriate
                                                 power rating; or
                                              (2) if conditions prevail that a HOGE is not likely to be established, the helicopter mass
                                                 shall not exceed the maximum mass specified for a hover in ground effect (HIGE)
                                                 with all engines operating at the appropriate power rating, provided prevailing
                                                 conditions allow a hover in ground effect at the maximum specified mass.
             NCO.SPEC.175(c) GM1     Performance and operating criteria — helicopters
                                          (a)  Even when the surface allows a hover in ground effect (HIGE), the likelihood of, for
                                             example, dust or blowing snow may necessitate hover out of ground effect (HOGE)
                                          (b)  Wind conditions on some sites, particularly downdraft in mountainous areas, may require
                                             a reduction in the helicopter mass in order to ensure that an out of ground effect hover can
                                             be achieved at the operational site in the conditions prevailing.
             NCO.SPEC.ABF.100        Checklist
                                      The checklist for ABF shall contain:
                                          (a)  normal, abnormal and emergency procedures;
                                          (b)  relevant performance data;
                                          (c)  required equipment;
                                          (d)  any limitations; and
                                          (e)  responsibilities and duties of the pilot-in-command, and, if applicable, crew members and
                                             task specialists.
             NCO.SPEC.ABF.105        Documents and information
                                      The following documents and information listed in NCO.GEN.135(a) need not be carried during
                                      aerobatic flights:
                                          (a)  details of the filed ATS flight plan, if applicable;
                                          (b)  current and suitable aeronautical charts for the route/area of the proposed flight and all
                                             routes along which it is reasonable to expect that the flight may be diverted; and
                                          (c)  procedures and visual signals information for use by intercepting and intercepted aircraft.
             NCO.SPEC.ABF.110        Equipment
                                      The following equipment requirements need not be applicable to aerobatic flights:
                                          (a)  first-aids kit as laid down in NCO.IDE.A.145 and NCO.IDE.H.145;
                                          (b)  hand-fire extinguishers as laid down in NCO.IDE.A.160 and NCO.IDE.H.180; and
                                          (c)  emergency locator transmitters or personal locator beacons as laid down in
                                             NCO.IDE.A.170 and NCO.IDE.H.170.
             NCO.SPEC.HEC.100        Checklist
                                      The checklist for HEC shall contain:
                                          (a)  normal, abnormal and emergency procedures;
                                          (b)  relevant performance data;
                                          (c)  required equipment;
                                          (d)  any limitations; and
                                          (e)  responsibilities and duties of the pilot-in-command, and, if applicable, crew members and
                                             task specialists.
             NCO.SPEC.HEC.100 GM1    Checklist
                                      AMC1 SPO.SPEC.HEC.100 of Annex VIII (Part-SPO) provides a generic framework for the
                                      development of SOP for HEC operations. This AMC can be regarded as a good practice example for
                                      developing the checklist for HEC operations.
             NCO.SPEC.HEC.105        Specific HEC equipment
                                          (a)  The helicopter shall be equipped with:
                                              (1) hoist operations equipment or cargo hook;
                                              (2) one cargo safety mirror or alternative means to see the hook; and
                                              (3) one load meter, unless there is another method of determining the weight of the
                                          (b)  The installation of all hoist and cargo hook equipment other than a simple PCDS, and any
                                             subsequent modifications shall have an airworthiness approval appropriate to the intended
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