Page 256 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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Part FCL ANNEX I - Flight Crew Licencing

                                          (a) The objective of the technical training is to apply the core instructor competencies acquired
                                             during the teaching and learning training to MCC training.
                                          (b) During the practical training the applicant should demonstrate the ability to instruct a pilot in
                                          (c) To supervise applicants for MCCI certificates, the adequate experience should include at
                                             least three type rating or MCC courses.
                                          (d) It is to be noted that airmanship is a vital ingredient of all flight operations. Therefore, in the
                                             following air exercises the relevant aspects of airmanship are to be stressed at the
                                             appropriate times during each flight.
                                          (e) The student instructor should learn how to identify common errors and how to correct
                                             them properly, which should be emphasised at all times.
                                     COURSE OBJECTIVE
                                          (f) The course should be designed to give adequate training to the applicant in theoretical
                                             knowledge instruction and FSTD instruction to instruct those aspects of MCC required by
                                             an applicant for a type rating on a first MP aeroplane. (g) Confirmation of competency of
                                             the applicant to be authorised as an MCCI(A) will be determined by the applicant
                                             conducting at least 3 hours MCC instruction to a satisfactory standard on the relevant
                                             FNPT or FFS under the supervision of a TRI(A), SFI(A) or MCCI(A) nominated by the ATO
                                             for this purpose.
                                          (h) The course consists of three parts: (1)
                                             Part 1: teaching and learning that should follow the content of AMC1 FCL.920; (2)
                                             Part 2: technical theoretical knowledge instruction (technical training); (3)
                                             Part 3: flight instruction.
                                     Part 1
                                     The content of the teaching and learning part of the FI training course, as established in AMC1
                                     FCL.930.FI, should be used as guidance to develop the course syllabus.
                                     Part 2
                                          (a) The FSTD training consists of the application of core instructor competencies to MCC
                                             training in a commercial air transport environment, including principles of threat and error
                                             management and CRM. The content of the training programme should cover MCC course
                                             exercises in sufficient depth to meet the standard required for issue of the MCCI(A)
                                          (b) The course should be related to the type of FSTD on which the applicant wishes to
                                             instruct. A training programme should give details of all theoretical knowledge instruction.
                                          (c) Identification and application of human factors (as set in the ATPL syllabus 040) related to
                                             MCC aspects of the training.
                                     Part 3
                                     FLIGHT INSTRUCTION SYLLABUS
                                          (a) The content of the instruction programme should cover training exercises as applicable to
                                             the MCC requirements of an applicant for a MP type rating.
                                          (b) Training exercises:
                                             The exercises should be accomplished as far as possible in a simulated commercial air
                                             transport environment. The instruction should cover the following areas:
                                              (1)  pre-flight preparation, including documentation, and computation of take-off
                                                 performance data;
                                              (2)  pre-flight checks, including radio and navigation equipment checks and setting;
                                              (3)  before take-off checks, including powerplant checks, and take-off briefing by the PF;
                                              (4)  normal take-offs with different flap settings, tasks of PF and PNF, call-outs;
                                              (5)  rejected take-offs; crosswind take-offs; take-offs at maximum take-off mass; engine
                                                 failure after v1;
                                              (6)  normal and abnormal operation of aircraft systems, use of checklists;
                                              (7)  selected emergency procedures to include engine failure and fire, smoke control and
                                                 removal, windshear during take-off and landing, emergency descent, incapacitation
                                                 of a flight crew member;
                                              (8)  early recognition of and reaction on approaching stall in differing aircraft
                                              (9)  instrument flight procedures, including holding procedures; precision approaches
                                                 using raw navigation data, flight director and automatic pilot, one engine simulated
                                                 inoperative approaches, non-precision and circling approaches, approach briefing by
                                                 the PF, setting of navigation equipment, call-out procedures during approaches;
                                                 computation of approach and landing data;
                                             (10) go-arounds; normal and with one engine simulated inoperative, transition from
                                                 instrument to visual flight on reaching decision height or minimum descent height or
                                             (11)  landings, normal, crosswind and with one engine simulated inoperative, transition
                                                 from instrument to visual flight on reaching decision height or minimum descent
                                                 height or altitude.
             FCL.930.MI              MI - Training course
                                          (a) The training course for the MI shall include the assessment of the applicant's competence
                                             as described in FCL.920.
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