Page 257 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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Part FCL ANNEX I - Flight Crew Licencing
(b) Before attending the course, applicants shall have passed a pre-entry flight test with an MI
holding an FI certificate to assess their experience and ability to undertake the training
FCL.930.SFI SFI - Training course
(a) The training course for the SFI shall include:
(1) the FSTD content of the applicable type rating course;
(2) the relevant parts of the technical training and the FSTD content of the flight
instruction syllabus of the applicable TRI training course and
(3) 25 hours of teaching and learning instruction.
(b) An applicant for an SFI certificate who holds a TRI certificate for the relevant type shall be
fully credited towards the requirements of this paragraph.
FCL.930.STI STI - Training course
(a) The training course for the STI shall comprise at least 3 hours of flight instruction related to
the duties of an STI in an FFS, FTD 2/3 or FNPT II/III, under the supervision of an FIE.
These hours of flight instruction under supervision shall include the assessment of the
applicant's competence as described in FCL.920.
Applicants for an STI(A) wishing to instruct on a BITD only, shall complete the flight
instruction on a BITD.
(b) For applicants for an STI(H), the course shall also include the FFS content of the
applicable TRI course.
FCL.930.TRI TRI - Training course
(a) The TRI training course shall be conducted in the aircraft only if no FSTD is available and
accessible and shall include:
(1) 25 hours of teaching and learning;
(2) 10 hours of technical training, including revision of technical knowledge, the
preparation of lesson plans and the development of classroom/ simulator
instructional skills;
(3) 5 hours of flight instruction on the appropriate aircraft or an FSTD representing that
aircraft for single-pilot aircraft and 10 hours for multi-pilot aircraft or an FSTD
representing that aircraft.
(4) the following training, as applicable:
(i) additional specific training before conducting LIFUS;
(ii) additional specific training before conducting landing training. That training in
the FSTD shall include training for emergency procedures related to the
(b) Applicants holding or having held an instructor certificate shall be fully credited towards the
requirement of (a)(1).
(c) An applicant for a TRI certificate who holds an SFI certificate for the relevant type shall be
fully credited towards the requirements of this paragraph for the issue of a TRI certificate
restricted to flight instruction in simulators.
FCL.930.TRI AMC1 TRI - Training course
(a) General
(1) The training course should develop safety awareness throughout by imparting
knowledge, skills, and attitudes relevant to the TRI task, and should be designed to
adequately train the candidate instructor in theoretical-knowledge instruction, flight
instruction, and FSTD instruction to enable the candidate instructor to instruct others
on an aeroplane type rating for which the candidate instructor is qualified.
(2) The TRI(A) training course should place particular emphasis on the role of the
individual, human factors in the man-machine environment, and CRM.
(3) Special attention should be given to the candidate instructor’s maturity and judgment
including their understanding of adults, behavioural attitudes, and variable levels of
learning ability. During the training course, the candidate instructor should be made
aware of their own attitude towards the importance of flight safety.
(4) For a TRI(A), the amount of time for flight training should vary depending on the
complexity of the aeroplane type. A similar number of hours should be allotted to the
instruction on, and practice of, both preflight and postflight briefing for each exercise.
(5) The flight instruction should ensure that the candidate instructor is able to teach the
air exercises safely and efficiently and should be related to the type of aeroplane on
which the candidate instructor wishes to instruct. The content of the training
programme should cover training exercises applicable to the aeroplane type, which
are set out in the applicable type rating training courses.
(6) Airmanship is a vital element of all flight operations. Therefore, in the following
exercises, the relevant aspects of airmanship should be stressed at the appropriate
times during each flight.
(7) The candidate instructor should learn how to identify common errors and how to
correct them properly, which should be emphasised at all times.
(b) Content
The training course consists of three parts:
- Part 1: teaching and learning instruction in accordance with AMC1 FCL.920;
- Part 2: technical theoreticalknowledge instruction (technical training); and
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