Page 347 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 347

Part FCL ANNEX I - Flight Crew Licencing

                                          (c) an instrument rating in compliance with the requirements of Annex 1 to the Chicago
                                             Convention by a third country; or
                                          (d) an authorisation issued by a Member State under Article 4(8) of Commission Regulation
                                             (EU) No 1178/2011.
             FCL.APP6 AMC7          AMC7 to Appendix 6 Modular training courses for the IR
                                     SECTION Aa IR(A) - COMPETENCY-BASED MODULAR FLYING TRAINING COURSE (6)(c); (6)(d)
                                     PRE-ENTRY ASSESSMENT AND TRAINING RECORD
                                          (a) PRE-ENTRY ASSESSMENT
                                             The assessment to establish the amount of training to be credited and to identify the
                                             training needs should be based on the training syllabus established in Appendix 6 Aa.
                                          (b) TRAINING RECORD
                                              (1)  Before initiating the assessment the applicant should provide to an ATO a training
                                                 record containing the details of the previous flight instruction provided by the IRI(A) or
                                                 the FI(A). This training record should at least specify the aircraft type and registration
                                                 used for the training, the number of flights and the total amount of instrument time
                                                 under instruction. It should also specify all the exercises completed during the
                                                 training by using the syllabus contained in Appendix 6 Aa.
                                              (2)  The instructor having provided the training should keep the training records
                                                 containing all the details of the flight training given for a period of at least 5 years after
                                                 the completion of the training.
             FCL.APP6 AMC8          AMC8 to Appendix 6 Modular training courses for the IR
                                     SECTION Aa IR(A) - COMPETENCY-BASED MODULAR FLYING TRAINING COURSE (8)
                                     In order to be credited in full towards the multi-engine IR(A) training course requirements, the applicant
                                          (a) hold a multi-engine IR(A), issued in accordance with the requirements of Annex 1 to the
                                             Chicago Convention by a third country;
                                          (b)  have the minimum experience required in Appendix 6 Aa paragraph 8(c), of which at least
                                             15 hours should be completed in a multi-engine aeroplane.
             FCL.APP6 AMC9          AMC9 to Appendix 6 Modular training courses for the IR
                                     Basic Instrument Flight Module Training Course
                                          (a) This 10 hours module is focused on the basics of flying by sole reference to instruments,
                                             including limited panel and unusual attitude recovery.
                                          (b) All exercises may be performed in an FNPT I or II or an FFS, for a maximum of 5 hours. If
                                             instrument flight training is in VMC, a suitable means of simulating IMC for the student
                                             should be used.
                                          (c) A BITD may be used for the exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8.
                                          (d) The use of the BITD is subject to the following:
                                              (1)  the training should be complemented by exercises on an airship;
                                              (2)  the record of the parameters of the flight must be available;
                                              (3)  an FI(As) or IRI(As) should conduct the instruction.

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