Page 485 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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Part ARA - ANNEX VI - Authority Requirements for Aircrew

                                          (c)  The protocol and its implementation should comply with the principles described in the
                                              following publication of the World Medical Association (WMA): “WMA Declaration of
                                              Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects”, as last
             ARA.MED.330(b)(c)       Special medical circumstances
                                      Initial medical certificates issued on the basis of a protocol should only be issued by the competent
                                      authority. Thereafter, the competent authority should decide whether the AeMC or AME may issue the
                                      medical certificate

                     Reference       Description
             ARA.DTO.100             Declaration to the CAA
                                          (a)  Upon receiving a declaration from a DTO, the CAA shall verify that the declaration
                                              contains all the information specified in point DTO.GEN.115 of Annex VIII (Part-DTO) and
                                              acknowledge receipt of the declaration, including the assignment of an individual DTO
                                              reference number to the representative of the DTO.
                                          (b)  If the declaration does not contain the required information or contains information that
                                              indicates a non- compliance with the essential requirements set out in Annex IV to
                                              Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, with the requirements of Annex I (Part-FCL) and Annex VIII
                                              (Part-DTO) to this Regulation, or with the requirements of Annex III (Part-BFCL) to
                                              Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395 and Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Commission
                                              Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976, the CAA shall act in accordance with point
                                              ARA. GEN.350(da).
             ARA.DTO.100(a) AMC1     Declaration to the competent authority
                                      ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF THE DECLARATION
                                      The competent authority should acknowledge receipt of the declaration to the DTO in writing within 10
                                      working days.
             ARA.DTO.100(a) GM1      Declaration to the competent authority
                                      ASSIGNMENT OF AN INDIVIDUAL DTO REFERENCE NUMBER
                                      It is recommended to create DTO reference numbers by commencing with the UN country code of
                                      the State of the competent authority to which the declaration is sent, followed by the term ‘.DTO.’ and
                                      a consecutive numbering (example: AT.DTO.001).
             ARA.DTO.100(a) GM2      Declaration to the competent authority
                                      The verification made by the competent authority upon receipt of the declaration does not imply an
                                      inspection. The aim is to check whether the declaration complies with the applicable requirements.
             ARA.DTO.105             Changes to declarations
                                      Upon receiving a notification of a change to the information contained in the declaration of a DTO, the
                                      CAA shall act in accordance with point ARA.DTO.100.
             ARA.DTO.110             Verification of compliance of the training programme
                                          (a)  Upon receiving the training programmes of a DTO, and any changes thereto, notified to it
                                              in accordance with point DTO.GEN.115(c) of Annex VIII (Part-DTO) or the application for
                                              approval of the training programmes of a DTO submitted to it in accordance with point
                                              DTO.GEN.230(c) of that Annex, the CAA shall verify the compliance of those training
                                              programmes with the requirements of Annex I (Part-FCL), Annex III (Part-BFCL) to
                                              Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395 and Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Commission
                                              Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976, as applicable.
                                          (b)  When satisfied that the DTO training programme, and any subsequent changes thereto,
                                              are in compliance with those requirements, the CAA shall inform the representative of the
                                              DTO thereof in writing or, in the case referred to in point DTO.GEN.230(c) of Annex VIII
                                              (Part-DTO), approve the training programme. For such approval it shall use the form
                                              contained in Appendix VIII to this Annex (Part-ARA).
                                          (c)  In case of any non-compliance, the CAA shall act in accordance with point
                                              ARA.GEN.350(da) or, in the case referred to in point DTO.GEN.230(c) of Annex VIII (Part-
                                              DTO), reject the application for approval of the training programme.
             ARA.DTO.110 AMC1        Verification of compliance of the training programme(s)
                                      Without prejudice to national provisions on administrative procedures, and unless the training
                                      programme has already been verified for Part-FCL compliance (AMC1 DTO.GEN.115(c)), when
                                      receiving an initial declaration, the competent authority should verify the compliance of the training
                                      programme(s) attached to that declaration within 6 months from the time it acknowledged receipt of
                                      the declaration in accordance with point ARA.DTO.100(a).
                                         APPENDICIES TO ANNEX VI APPENDICIES TO ARA

                     Reference       Description
             ARA.APP1                Appendix I to ANNEX VI PART-ARA
                                     Flight Crew Licence
                                     The flight crew licence issued by the CAA in accordance with Annex I (Part-FCL), Annex III (Part-BFCL) to
                                     Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395 and Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Commission Implementing Regulation
                                     (EU) 2018/1976 shall conform to the following specifications:
                                       (a)  Content. The item number shown shall always be printed in association with the item heading.
                                           Items I to XI are the “permanent” items and items XII to XIV are the “variable” items which may
                                           appear on a separate or detachable part of the main form. Any separate or detachable part shall
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